Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph.D.
The statement that “food is your best remedy” and it can help you fighting any disease is not a big breakthrough discovery, but a well known rule of the thumb, already recognized by anyone. It is a well known fact that Mother Nature is one of the most natural ways to heal acute and chronic degenerative diseases from centuries ago. Whole life exposures to environmental contaminants may disrupt your health and produce physical and physiological alterations predisposing to a disease and disability later in life. These risks are modified by the rate of a chronic daily stress and the social environment - factors that support the need for an early intervention or prevention of exposures. While it is important to eat well and to protect yourself from environmental and at home toxins, you also need to adjust your individual needs and habits, as you age. Due to the advanced aging, we naturally face a significant decrease of saliva production, general glandular production and digestion decline, leading to significant changes in our bud receptors-so we are tending to eat smaller amount of food or small portions.
Seemingly we are on the verge of a revolution in medicine - understanding the causes, healing the body/mind/spirit in unit, and ultimately preventing the causes of accelerated degenerative aging. Unfortunately, medical revolution only happens if we will be able to spend the amount of time and finances to do the research in holistic wellness, prevention and anti-aging. Nearly every day, researchers publish articles that show how foods we eat can help us fight the disease. The remarkable power of small microscopic substances known as "phytonutrients" can help prevent illnesses to the road of achieving an optimal health. You have maybe heard terms as quercetin, lycopen, ellagic acid, alpha and beta-carotene, resveratrol, sulphorane and many others that are included in the above term. Nowadays, more than 9,000 phytonutrients are recognized and well studied and documented in the scientific research and literature. Some of them balance your hormones, while others modulate the immune response, preventing infections, still others combat the environmental toxins. Most of the phytonutrients function as antioxidants fighting the free radicals of oxidation (unstable oxygen molecules).
Oats are well known to lower elevated cholesterol because of the dietary fiber they contain. Apples contain powerful phytonutrients, that in one study of 40,000 women, associated pectin and quercetin in the apples with a 13-22 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease while improving lung function, reducing the risk of asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease. Resveratrol is already recognized as one of the antidiabetic and longevity factor that is also known as a heart disease preventive. The reason behind its mechanism of action is that resveratrol can help make VLDL less sticky to the artery walls preventing heart attacks and strokes. Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries) contain a substance - "ellagic acid" that is a powerful booster and holistic fighter of cancer-causing chemicals in your body. Beta-carotene (found in green and orange foods as carrots, mangoes, oranges, broccoli abd dark green vegetables and fruits) is one of the best protective phytochemicals for your skin and heart. Allicin in garlic is the best natural antibiotic substance ever known. It is also a natural reducer of elevated cholesterol and triglycerides helping in cases as obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. There are literature data that garlic may also work as natural stomach and colon degenerative (cancer) preventive agent. The family of vit B is extremely important for a graceful anti-aging and longevity. With the usual decline of stomach secretion the level of absorption of vit B12 is converting in an issue. And in fact Vit B12 is frequently baldy absorbed in older old people. It is due to a specific “intrinsic” factor that is naturally declining with the advanced age (especially in case of frequent use of antacids). Despite red meat and clams can supply us with the amount of B12 needed, most of the people above the age of fifteen are still seriously B12 depleted. Chickpeas and baked potatoes can supply with less than the half of DV of vit B 6, while pinto beans, asparagus, green leafy vegetables and whole grains can deliver the amount of Folate (Folic acid) needed.
Acerola cherry is a small cherry-like form of a fruit that is working as powerful antioxidant. It is growing in the Caribbean and Latin America. It is rich in vit C even more than citrus fruits (oranges, pineapple, or cantaloupe). I lived in Cuba for 4 years and enjoyed this fruit to my best. It is lightly tart and acid but incredible tasty and juicy. My mom could always make a huge jar of acerola syrup that could finish in no time, especially after being cooled in the fridge. It was proved in a recent study that by getting 200 mg of vit C on a daily basis is linked to better immunity and skin, and shorter duration of any cold and flu. Vit C can build connective tissue and collagen, and it strengthens bones and teeth, participating also in wounds healing.
Antioxidants in fruits and veggies cannot stop the formation of free radicals with advanced aging, but they can help reducing free radicals damage. Just a grapefruit glass or orange juice may provide at around 100 percent of your Daily Value (DV) of vit C. Beta carotene in deep green or orange fruits and veggies is the second step of your best antioxidant prevention. One sweet potato or a piece of pumpkin or a large carrot can offer between 12-15 mg of beta-carotene that is doubling the amount of recommended one. Vit E can be delivered either by early morning oats breakfast or from a handful of roasted but unsalted almonds. The anticancer properties of fruits and vegetables are replicating their antioxidant ability. Glutathione is one of the best anti-aging compound, ‘master” antioxidant and free radical scavenger that supports healing, longevity, detoxification and pain relief. It also works to help improve mental functions, increase energy and vigor, improve concentration, permit increased exercise, and improve heart and lung function. Unfortunately, glutathione begins to decline by 10% to 15% per decade starting at the age of twenty as multiple factors can add to the depletion of a person's level of glutathione. Between the main of them are: stress, extensive exercise, bacterial or viral infection, injury and environmental toxins. Reduced glutathione levels result in greater vulnerability to cellular damage, accelerated aging, a weakened resistance to various inflammatory degenerative diseases, including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and many others. You can make your own just by supplying your body with several glutathione precursors.
What you can do in order to maintain good Body Health...
Cleanse and eliminate toxins that have built up over the years
Remove harmful waste from your system
Regulate your body metabolism
Consume foods rich in Omega oils and Antioxidants
Balance your diet
Add soluble and insoluble fiber
Increase protection from disease because of antioxidants
Promote Cardiovascular and Digestive Health
Add Whey Protein that promotes healthy body tissues and increases your immunity
You may also want to consider:
Barberry Root (bark): May improve digestion, and to clear harmful bacteria from the intestines.
Chromium & Vanadium: Regulate blood sugar; Stimulate metabolism; Decrease Insulin resistance and Increase feeling of alertness.
Panax Ginseng: May improve energy supply and to influence the immune system.
Polygonum Cuspidatum: May improve appearance of skin when it binds with oxygen.
Cocoa seed: May improve blood flow and circulation .
Ginger Root Extract: May reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (or “bad cholesterol”).
Mangosteen extract: May reduce appetite and to purify blood.
Grape Seed extract: May reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Rhubarb Root Extract: Cleanses intestines, stomach, and colon.
Buckthorn (bark): Hydrates and removes toxins.
Cascara Sagrada (bark): Causes body to drive out waste .
Echinacea: Stimulates the T- killers as part of the immune system.
Fennel Seed: Helps digestion.
Parsley: Reduces water retention.
Red Clover Leaf: Stimulates liver and gall bladder and alleviates constipation.
N-Acetyl L-cysteine-Increases the secretion of glutathione in the body.
N-Acetyl- L- tyrosine: Intensifies metabolism and detoxifies the body systems.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to request an on line or by phone alternative consultation, or a newly written article that can suit your business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.