Need a holistic health improvement guidance of any type?
The Natural Health & Wellness Center is a holistic preventive & wellness center. It is created to complement, educate and to teach holistic health/prevention, rather than to replace, or substitute other allopathic (conventional) services. The clients at our center are advised to retain their primary care physician and to proceed with their yearly routine checks up. All our consultations include time to help identify appropriate lifestyle and behavioral changes, dietary and other factors in one's life that can help restore health and well-being at all different levels. The mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person cannot be separated from his physical considerations of healing and finding the balance in all three areas may help to restore harmony while creating the foundation upon which micronutrients, herbals and good nutrition can have an unbelievable benefits. Practitioners at our center serve their clients in all stages of health and wellness, along the road of a complete recovery while providing years of experience in addressing a variety of conditions.
Dr. Antoaneta Sawyer, ND, PhD, MD is always available for a personal health and nutrition consultation on Skype, on phone or by email, and in one-on-one basis conversation. Prepare your questions before hand and consider your previous history information and tests before you while conversing. Whether you are suffering of any disease, express multiple undiagnosed symptoms, or you just do not feel at your best, or you rather consult on which dietary formula (vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, herbals. super foods) regimen you must follow as per your disease, Dr. Sawyer is here to help and interviews are available in 15-30 minutes increments. You can contact with her on (715) 392-7591, or by email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com for further information.
Who is Dr. Antoaneta Sawyer?
Antoaneta (Annie) Sawyer, ND, PhD, MD is an integrative health advocate with a strong interest in natural health and holistic nutrition, prevention and healing, the role of the environment and the power of nature to heal. She is already well recognized and respected holistic coach. She is also co-founder and CEO of the Natural Health & Wellness Center “Beyond Holistic” LLC and editor of http://naturalhealth-wellness.com- an all-inclusive resource for holistic nutrition, natural health, anti-aging and wellness. Located in Superior, WI she offers in-person and phone consultations and sessions. She is familiar with number of special protocols which have proven to be extremely helpful in assisting one's own immune system in combating many of today’s modern diseases. Through her over 25 years of clinical experience as physician, she has pioneered the use of preventive medicine as the background of multiple ambulatory holistic healing therapies based on the correct diet, organic and balanced nutrition, premonitory exercise and stress management techniques. She has also authored and co-authored and published multiple articles, radio interviews, guides, and books on topics like metabolic syndrome, obesity, health and the environment, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world.
Since 2008, Dr. Sawyer maintains a private practice with a much-reduced work load and is spending most of her time doing practical scientific research in integrative medicine, while bridging both medicine( traditional and holistic) in one. Her holistic practice is oriented in treating the whole person and the reasons of the disease instead of the symptoms only, while seeing what other cultures can contribute to our American system of medicine. She applies modern and ancient medical knowledge in her daily healing practice routine and works as an independent holistic researcher and writer and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products she writes about or the products and companies she promotes. She works as an executive of the Natural Health & Wellness Center “Beyond Holistic” where she practices together with her husband Dr. Gregory Sawyer D.C. holistic healing, diets, chiropractic methods and prevention.
Dr. Annie Sawyer may be reached via regular mail at NH-WC: email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com or you can request for a personal appointment consultation at http://naturalhealth-wellness.com. You may also contact her at the Natural Health & Wellness Center “Beyond Holistic” LLC line at: (715) 392-7591, cell phone: (218) 213-7087, as well as to request for a personal appointment.
Dr. Antoaneta Sawyer, ND, PhD, MD is always available for a personal health and nutrition consultation on Skype, on phone or by email, and in one-on-one basis conversation. Prepare your questions before hand and consider your previous history information and tests before you while conversing. Whether you are suffering of any disease, express multiple undiagnosed symptoms, or you just do not feel at your best, or you rather consult on which dietary formula (vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, herbals. super foods) regimen you must follow as per your disease, Dr. Sawyer is here to help and interviews are available in 15-30 minutes increments. You can contact with her on (715) 392-7591, or by email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com for further information.
Who is Dr. Antoaneta Sawyer?
Antoaneta (Annie) Sawyer, ND, PhD, MD is an integrative health advocate with a strong interest in natural health and holistic nutrition, prevention and healing, the role of the environment and the power of nature to heal. She is already well recognized and respected holistic coach. She is also co-founder and CEO of the Natural Health & Wellness Center “Beyond Holistic” LLC and editor of http://naturalhealth-wellness.com- an all-inclusive resource for holistic nutrition, natural health, anti-aging and wellness. Located in Superior, WI she offers in-person and phone consultations and sessions. She is familiar with number of special protocols which have proven to be extremely helpful in assisting one's own immune system in combating many of today’s modern diseases. Through her over 25 years of clinical experience as physician, she has pioneered the use of preventive medicine as the background of multiple ambulatory holistic healing therapies based on the correct diet, organic and balanced nutrition, premonitory exercise and stress management techniques. She has also authored and co-authored and published multiple articles, radio interviews, guides, and books on topics like metabolic syndrome, obesity, health and the environment, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world.
Since 2008, Dr. Sawyer maintains a private practice with a much-reduced work load and is spending most of her time doing practical scientific research in integrative medicine, while bridging both medicine( traditional and holistic) in one. Her holistic practice is oriented in treating the whole person and the reasons of the disease instead of the symptoms only, while seeing what other cultures can contribute to our American system of medicine. She applies modern and ancient medical knowledge in her daily healing practice routine and works as an independent holistic researcher and writer and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products she writes about or the products and companies she promotes. She works as an executive of the Natural Health & Wellness Center “Beyond Holistic” where she practices together with her husband Dr. Gregory Sawyer D.C. holistic healing, diets, chiropractic methods and prevention.
Dr. Annie Sawyer may be reached via regular mail at NH-WC: email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com or you can request for a personal appointment consultation at http://naturalhealth-wellness.com. You may also contact her at the Natural Health & Wellness Center “Beyond Holistic” LLC line at: (715) 392-7591, cell phone: (218) 213-7087, as well as to request for a personal appointment.
For healing or preventing tips, please join her fans at:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/antoanetdoc
In her proper words:
I think the physician of the future can be spectacular only and if he/she is an open minded role-model, who can heal, teach, direct and improve instead to harshly practice what he have been instructed by the traditional medicine( despite of its technical, pharmacological and laboratory advantage). I found that an early treatment is not prevention; despite we called it that way. I saw the huge difference in the Latin words "Primum non nocere"(First do no harm). That is what Integrative medicine is all about, whether they call it holistic, complementary or functional.
I began my medical career some 25 years ago as a conventional physician, but just after several years in clinical practice, I found myself being drawn toward “integrative” medicine, the field of health care that focuses on how biochemical individuality, metabolic balance, ecological context, genetic predisposition, lifestyle patterns, and other factors have the potential to strongly influence human physiology and the push-pull dynamics of health and disease. As I began to study health from an integrative perspective, I became fascinated with the prospects for correcting imbalances in human physiology on a more individualized level. I came to the realization that there were avenues available for me to help my patients in addition to conventional medical care, focusing primarily on control of a patient’s symptoms, which is the fundamental basis of what I had been taught in medical school, was no longer enough.
I understood that the "Doctor of the Future" must be a compilation between MD & ND, and nothing less than that. And, yes, my time was well-spent. I left with some useful knowledge about many holistic, homeopathic, herbal, nutritional and super food programs and protocols, healing the body/ mind/ spirit as a unit, instead in fragments. I learned how some laboratory tests and the advance in technology may be of help too. Now I feel my training is well based on the “ seekers for health care” that reach of self improvement changes and strategies, who are ready to start new life changing educational plans and methods, completely different than my Alma Mater have formerly postulated.
My mission in life is to provide my patients with safe, unique and effective complementary therapies to greatly enhance their health and well-being, while preventing them from the plaque of the today diseases. I have been involved in the area of traditional medicine for over 23 years and worked for more than 12 years in the field of nutrition and prevention, as well as natural health. I feel extremely passionate about helping people with their health. I think that our generation is already prepared to leave the traditional nest of departmental medicine, going to the Integrative Medicine path. People started to see that" their health is a state of optimal physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not just the absence of disease” The traditional medicine could represent a wonderful background for expending the holistic knowledge upon it. I saw what can be accomplished, when thinking outside of the box and feel secure that one day, the medicine will be a great combination between traditional and integrative one, while being oriented to prevention instead of treatment, and to healing instead of curing( treating) the symptoms. Therefore I want to believe that our future is in very good hands.
My purpose to decide starting up another PhD degree is the need to fit with my purpose in life. If one is doing a dissertation just something new to be started, or to be finished in his life, he/ she is unlikely to have the persistence or the true determination that carry him/her to the successful end. But if one is doing the above dissertation because it fits with what they want to do with their life, they will much more likely stick with it until it is done. Sometimes the value of clarification of morals and personal values can be the impetus to get you going again.
Although every one of you must ultimately make your life decision alone by yourself, it is also in your proper human nature to pay attention to the input from others. We appear to have been listening much too closely other people’s opinions that "vitamins are dangerous” or “drugs are not as harmful as we previously thought”. Our attitude towards health or health prevention it seems to resemble a clinical in-vivo trial, or a psychology experiment, where white-coated scientific authorities are able to reach conclusions, simply because they are told or are suggested to. The rule of the revolving door is operating quite well with people’s minds, cooperating with monetary benefits, instead back grounded on humanistic morals or values.
My purpose in life is to help correct this problem by placing both facts and details together with motivation directly into the reader's hands. From that point, it is up to each person private decision to live healthfully using all available tools to do so. It is always wise to select the well traveled path when it gets you where you want to go. My first task is to get people interested in making the change and to keep them motivated. Motivation shortens the distance between ignorance and knowledge. To help provide that initial spark, I am planning to write books that attempt to blend personal conviction, motivation, and natural desire to prevent instead to cure and to heal instead to treat. As difficult as it truly is to change our own personal habits, it remains the only sure method to gain our own health, and to positively influence another person to do the same.
My life-project is really about education and life change motivation in just one person's health behavior and that is the individual reader prevention plan. Sadly enough, it may be that we have had trouble seeing the trees because of the forest, while there are scientists that see the trees, without visualizing the whole forest. Globalizing or oversimplifying the cause is what made the medicine a true servant of the pharmaceutical giants. Health care and prevention is such an enormous issue that we tend to discuss more than to realize in practice. Getting a whole nation to become healthier is an enormous and almost impossible task. Oddly enough is to think that we can ever gain health by remodeling the disease, without looking for its roots. That sounds even crazy. Teaching and motivation are closely correlated. The first rule of teaching is that you need to get the listeners' attention in order to deliver the knowledge. The second rule is you need to get them to accept, to agree and act upon the road to their own life standard change. The third rule is to calibrate their progress, while making sure they got it right. The issue of motivation comes back to each one of us: we may discuss the benefit of a change, but can we realize it in practice. First and foremost we need to work on ourselves. Second we must change the way how we live, eat or handle stress. Thus we must not simply advocate, but personally choose, and to realize in practice that well-traveled route that will lead us to the dreamed health and that one of our relatives and neighbors. Nowadays we have real health options, great technology, innovative surgery that changes by hours instead of years. At the same time we are largely unaware of the safety, the scientific validity, or the real preventive power of simple nutrients, found back in our proper yards.
I wish to every one of you to make his proper discovery, by learning and benefiting of what I have already learned for years. My whole life logo was, is and always will be:” Inspiration is a much better way to live than desperation" and believe me I have never given up". Alternative medicine does really work, and as much as we know, the best it does work is on our immune systems, while reaching the point to age gracefully and with honor. I wish and will do my best to inform the human race, that there are choices and those are multiple choices, that they should be aware of, while learning to live or to age gracefully and with honor. So much it is known now about the link between diet and the degenerative disorders that are plaguing our country. In countries where meals are centered on plant based, whole foods, high rates of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and other conditions occur to a much smaller extent. Disease prevention, through GOOD eating habits, is the key to longevity, and this must start at a young age. It should be alarming to all of us to see obesity or type 2 diabetes and other diseases generally related to aging showing up in young children. I would like to encourage the right life-plan or a diet that would support improved health in young people toward better standard.
I think the physician of the future can be spectacular only and if he/she is an open minded role-model, who can heal, teach, direct and improve instead to harshly practice what he have been instructed by the traditional medicine( despite of its technical, pharmacological and laboratory advantage). I found that an early treatment is not prevention; despite we called it that way. I saw the huge difference in the Latin words "Primum non nocere"(First do no harm). That is what Integrative medicine is all about, whether they call it holistic, complementary or functional.
I began my medical career some 25 years ago as a conventional physician, but just after several years in clinical practice, I found myself being drawn toward “integrative” medicine, the field of health care that focuses on how biochemical individuality, metabolic balance, ecological context, genetic predisposition, lifestyle patterns, and other factors have the potential to strongly influence human physiology and the push-pull dynamics of health and disease. As I began to study health from an integrative perspective, I became fascinated with the prospects for correcting imbalances in human physiology on a more individualized level. I came to the realization that there were avenues available for me to help my patients in addition to conventional medical care, focusing primarily on control of a patient’s symptoms, which is the fundamental basis of what I had been taught in medical school, was no longer enough.
I understood that the "Doctor of the Future" must be a compilation between MD & ND, and nothing less than that. And, yes, my time was well-spent. I left with some useful knowledge about many holistic, homeopathic, herbal, nutritional and super food programs and protocols, healing the body/ mind/ spirit as a unit, instead in fragments. I learned how some laboratory tests and the advance in technology may be of help too. Now I feel my training is well based on the “ seekers for health care” that reach of self improvement changes and strategies, who are ready to start new life changing educational plans and methods, completely different than my Alma Mater have formerly postulated.
My mission in life is to provide my patients with safe, unique and effective complementary therapies to greatly enhance their health and well-being, while preventing them from the plaque of the today diseases. I have been involved in the area of traditional medicine for over 23 years and worked for more than 12 years in the field of nutrition and prevention, as well as natural health. I feel extremely passionate about helping people with their health. I think that our generation is already prepared to leave the traditional nest of departmental medicine, going to the Integrative Medicine path. People started to see that" their health is a state of optimal physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not just the absence of disease” The traditional medicine could represent a wonderful background for expending the holistic knowledge upon it. I saw what can be accomplished, when thinking outside of the box and feel secure that one day, the medicine will be a great combination between traditional and integrative one, while being oriented to prevention instead of treatment, and to healing instead of curing( treating) the symptoms. Therefore I want to believe that our future is in very good hands.
My purpose to decide starting up another PhD degree is the need to fit with my purpose in life. If one is doing a dissertation just something new to be started, or to be finished in his life, he/ she is unlikely to have the persistence or the true determination that carry him/her to the successful end. But if one is doing the above dissertation because it fits with what they want to do with their life, they will much more likely stick with it until it is done. Sometimes the value of clarification of morals and personal values can be the impetus to get you going again.
Although every one of you must ultimately make your life decision alone by yourself, it is also in your proper human nature to pay attention to the input from others. We appear to have been listening much too closely other people’s opinions that "vitamins are dangerous” or “drugs are not as harmful as we previously thought”. Our attitude towards health or health prevention it seems to resemble a clinical in-vivo trial, or a psychology experiment, where white-coated scientific authorities are able to reach conclusions, simply because they are told or are suggested to. The rule of the revolving door is operating quite well with people’s minds, cooperating with monetary benefits, instead back grounded on humanistic morals or values.
My purpose in life is to help correct this problem by placing both facts and details together with motivation directly into the reader's hands. From that point, it is up to each person private decision to live healthfully using all available tools to do so. It is always wise to select the well traveled path when it gets you where you want to go. My first task is to get people interested in making the change and to keep them motivated. Motivation shortens the distance between ignorance and knowledge. To help provide that initial spark, I am planning to write books that attempt to blend personal conviction, motivation, and natural desire to prevent instead to cure and to heal instead to treat. As difficult as it truly is to change our own personal habits, it remains the only sure method to gain our own health, and to positively influence another person to do the same.
My life-project is really about education and life change motivation in just one person's health behavior and that is the individual reader prevention plan. Sadly enough, it may be that we have had trouble seeing the trees because of the forest, while there are scientists that see the trees, without visualizing the whole forest. Globalizing or oversimplifying the cause is what made the medicine a true servant of the pharmaceutical giants. Health care and prevention is such an enormous issue that we tend to discuss more than to realize in practice. Getting a whole nation to become healthier is an enormous and almost impossible task. Oddly enough is to think that we can ever gain health by remodeling the disease, without looking for its roots. That sounds even crazy. Teaching and motivation are closely correlated. The first rule of teaching is that you need to get the listeners' attention in order to deliver the knowledge. The second rule is you need to get them to accept, to agree and act upon the road to their own life standard change. The third rule is to calibrate their progress, while making sure they got it right. The issue of motivation comes back to each one of us: we may discuss the benefit of a change, but can we realize it in practice. First and foremost we need to work on ourselves. Second we must change the way how we live, eat or handle stress. Thus we must not simply advocate, but personally choose, and to realize in practice that well-traveled route that will lead us to the dreamed health and that one of our relatives and neighbors. Nowadays we have real health options, great technology, innovative surgery that changes by hours instead of years. At the same time we are largely unaware of the safety, the scientific validity, or the real preventive power of simple nutrients, found back in our proper yards.
I wish to every one of you to make his proper discovery, by learning and benefiting of what I have already learned for years. My whole life logo was, is and always will be:” Inspiration is a much better way to live than desperation" and believe me I have never given up". Alternative medicine does really work, and as much as we know, the best it does work is on our immune systems, while reaching the point to age gracefully and with honor. I wish and will do my best to inform the human race, that there are choices and those are multiple choices, that they should be aware of, while learning to live or to age gracefully and with honor. So much it is known now about the link between diet and the degenerative disorders that are plaguing our country. In countries where meals are centered on plant based, whole foods, high rates of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and other conditions occur to a much smaller extent. Disease prevention, through GOOD eating habits, is the key to longevity, and this must start at a young age. It should be alarming to all of us to see obesity or type 2 diabetes and other diseases generally related to aging showing up in young children. I would like to encourage the right life-plan or a diet that would support improved health in young people toward better standard.
About Dr. Greg Sawyer, DC :
Greg Sawyer, D.C. received his Doctorate in Chiropractic (DC) in 1977 with Magna cum Laude from Northwestern College of Chiropractic- St. Paul (Minnesota). He has also obtained complementary degrees in Physical Therapy, Clinical Practice and Roentgenology, after interne in St. Paul, Minnesota as a Doctor of Chiropractic. Utilizing a wider range of chiropractic techniques, sacrum-occipital and activator technique, muscular therapies and therapeutic exercise, Dr. Sawyer is committed to an integrated chiropractic approach to conservative care. He is passionate about chiropractic, while telling others how balance in the spinal cord is an integral part of your overall health. He is fully trained in the art of Chiropractic. Chiropractic is a manual therapy that does undo any interference that has occurred in the Nervous system by adjusting the spine, which allows the body to work and communicate more effectively. He has been working at multiple medical companies, dealing with burned patients, medical devices and is the D.C. specialist at the Natural Health & Wellness Center Superior, WI. Dr. Greg Sawyer has been interviewed on a variety radio programs utilizing his 29 years of clinical expertise in the arenas of Integrative medicine and Biology. You can contact him at our website or on his private cell phone line: 218-213-6167; or in office phone/ fax: 715-392-7591, or email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com.
In his proper words:
We share common desire to live longer, healthier life while helping others to do so through our professional knowledge! As naturopaths we strongly believe that in order to be true to our clients, we must not only preach natural health but also to live it as our main lifestyle. As vocal advocates of an early disease detection for the purpose of timely prevention, our programs provide control and reversal of previous acute and/or chronic diseases by using nutrition, behavior modification techniques, lifestyle changes, botanicals, homeopathic formulas, nutraceuticals, and other body/mind techniques that work in a complex. Prevention is a condition "sine qua non" for stronger health and longevity. Early detection and prevention has entered a new age of well-being and self-empowerment. This said with other words- prevention is a prerequisite for a healthier and longer life. Our main task is to help you preventing future acute and chronic diseases, claiming to be your consultants in case of healing also.
The objective of our center is to increase your knowledge and comprehension of acute and chronic degenerative diseases and to promote adequate care of body, mind, and spirit as united whole. The end result is to improve the generational health of our population. To accomplishing this, a close collaboration with European and American health professionals is the commitment of our center. In order to avoid disease, prevention must be first priority, and this generally cannot be accomplished with medications only. A drug-free approach to healthcare is an absolute prerequisite in the natural approach of NH & WC and can be of immense help for anyone using prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. Do not forget that each person is unique!
As we all know, the body is an amazing thing. Our body does so many processes without our knowledge so that we can go on living day in and day out. What Chiropractic does, is undo any interference that has occurred in the nervous system by adjusting the spine, which allows the body to communicate through the nervous system effectively. Chiropractic is a manual therapy to aid the body to return to a state of vitality by removing interference from the nervous system through realignment. Removal of pressure from nerves ensures the free flow of vital energy carried by the nerve to the organs and muscles supplied by that nerve. Chiropractic can be used very successfully along with conventional medical practices. After an adjustment, our body is once again able to get back to what it does best, fixing and doing bodily functions without our knowing. This means the body is now able to fix problems in the body that was caused from the interference.
Bed Wetting
Ear Infections
Abnormal Walk/Crawl
Sport Injuries
Back/Neck Pain
Sprained Ankles
Foot Pain
Carpal Tunnel
TMJ Dysfunction
Sexual Dysfunction
Sinus Congestion
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Trigger Finger
Shorter Delivery Times
Pelvic Discomfort
Swelling/Circulation issues
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to request an on line or by phone alternative consultation, or a newly written article that can suit your business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
Greg Sawyer, D.C. received his Doctorate in Chiropractic (DC) in 1977 with Magna cum Laude from Northwestern College of Chiropractic- St. Paul (Minnesota). He has also obtained complementary degrees in Physical Therapy, Clinical Practice and Roentgenology, after interne in St. Paul, Minnesota as a Doctor of Chiropractic. Utilizing a wider range of chiropractic techniques, sacrum-occipital and activator technique, muscular therapies and therapeutic exercise, Dr. Sawyer is committed to an integrated chiropractic approach to conservative care. He is passionate about chiropractic, while telling others how balance in the spinal cord is an integral part of your overall health. He is fully trained in the art of Chiropractic. Chiropractic is a manual therapy that does undo any interference that has occurred in the Nervous system by adjusting the spine, which allows the body to work and communicate more effectively. He has been working at multiple medical companies, dealing with burned patients, medical devices and is the D.C. specialist at the Natural Health & Wellness Center Superior, WI. Dr. Greg Sawyer has been interviewed on a variety radio programs utilizing his 29 years of clinical expertise in the arenas of Integrative medicine and Biology. You can contact him at our website or on his private cell phone line: 218-213-6167; or in office phone/ fax: 715-392-7591, or email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com.
In his proper words:
We share common desire to live longer, healthier life while helping others to do so through our professional knowledge! As naturopaths we strongly believe that in order to be true to our clients, we must not only preach natural health but also to live it as our main lifestyle. As vocal advocates of an early disease detection for the purpose of timely prevention, our programs provide control and reversal of previous acute and/or chronic diseases by using nutrition, behavior modification techniques, lifestyle changes, botanicals, homeopathic formulas, nutraceuticals, and other body/mind techniques that work in a complex. Prevention is a condition "sine qua non" for stronger health and longevity. Early detection and prevention has entered a new age of well-being and self-empowerment. This said with other words- prevention is a prerequisite for a healthier and longer life. Our main task is to help you preventing future acute and chronic diseases, claiming to be your consultants in case of healing also.
The objective of our center is to increase your knowledge and comprehension of acute and chronic degenerative diseases and to promote adequate care of body, mind, and spirit as united whole. The end result is to improve the generational health of our population. To accomplishing this, a close collaboration with European and American health professionals is the commitment of our center. In order to avoid disease, prevention must be first priority, and this generally cannot be accomplished with medications only. A drug-free approach to healthcare is an absolute prerequisite in the natural approach of NH & WC and can be of immense help for anyone using prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. Do not forget that each person is unique!
As we all know, the body is an amazing thing. Our body does so many processes without our knowledge so that we can go on living day in and day out. What Chiropractic does, is undo any interference that has occurred in the nervous system by adjusting the spine, which allows the body to communicate through the nervous system effectively. Chiropractic is a manual therapy to aid the body to return to a state of vitality by removing interference from the nervous system through realignment. Removal of pressure from nerves ensures the free flow of vital energy carried by the nerve to the organs and muscles supplied by that nerve. Chiropractic can be used very successfully along with conventional medical practices. After an adjustment, our body is once again able to get back to what it does best, fixing and doing bodily functions without our knowing. This means the body is now able to fix problems in the body that was caused from the interference.
Bed Wetting
Ear Infections
Abnormal Walk/Crawl
Sport Injuries
Back/Neck Pain
Sprained Ankles
Foot Pain
Carpal Tunnel
TMJ Dysfunction
Sexual Dysfunction
Sinus Congestion
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Trigger Finger
Shorter Delivery Times
Pelvic Discomfort
Swelling/Circulation issues
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to request an on line or by phone alternative consultation, or a newly written article that can suit your business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.