Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph.D.
A new study published recently in JAMA found that as women get older they need 1 hr or more of a moderate physical daily activity in order to maintain their weight in norm. No surprise that at around 78% of all the American women are overweight.
Researchers at Boston Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School followed up the activity of more than 34,000 women at average age 54 at the start of this study, for over 13 years period of time. Moderate-intensity exercise: jogging, biking, aerobics, exercise machines, racquetball and swimming were used at the bottom of the research.
The researchers strongly tracked women weight and health improvement and then compared the group of daily exercisers on a diet with another comparative group who did not change their diet at all and still expected to lose weight. Only women who were normal weight to begin with and who did 1 hr of moderate-intensity exercise daily maintained their weight.
While previous research statements were stipulating that 30 minutes of active exercise or walking are completely enough women to lose their extra weight, the recent mega study proved that only the 60 minutes of a moderate exercise are the correct amount of time for aging women. In the past the federal government recommendations were encompassing 30 minutes/day equal to 150 minutes/a week. Despite that for the average woman, an hour a day may not be realistic, the researchers suggested that women may combine a little strength training to their workouts because well toned muscle can also burn fat. However, they did not reject the previous postulate that even 30 minutes could be beneficial for general health and wellness improvement. The leading author of the study, Chris Freytag added that making healthy diet and lifestyle choices will significantly improve anyone weight, general health and longevity.
I know how disappointingly that might sound for any woman above 45, especially in our extremely busy 21st century, but you should know that modulation and flexibility, while breaking up the exercise routine into 2 separate (morning-evening) segments can make up for a good daily 1hr routine. Freytag stated, "If you cannot do an hour of moderate walking then do 30 minutes of vigorous activity. Get on a treadmill, get on your elliptical and go for it. Divide it up. Ten minutes here, ten minutes there, it's going to make the difference." Thus, the study finally concludes that that you may break up your exercise routine as long as it is in 10 minute segments or longer and 30 minutes of vigorous activity that will be still equal to the recommended 60 minutes of moderate activity.
Enjoy the YouTube video
I know how disappointingly that might sound for any woman above 45, especially in our extremely busy 21st century, but you should know that modulation and flexibility, while breaking up the exercise routine into 2 separate (morning-evening) segments can make up for a good daily 1hr routine. Freytag stated, "If you cannot do an hour of moderate walking then do 30 minutes of vigorous activity. Get on a treadmill, get on your elliptical and go for it. Divide it up. Ten minutes here, ten minutes there, it's going to make the difference." Thus, the study finally concludes that that you may break up your exercise routine as long as it is in 10 minute segments or longer and 30 minutes of vigorous activity that will be still equal to the recommended 60 minutes of moderate activity.
Enjoy the YouTube video
JAMA. 2010; 303(12): 1173-1179.
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