Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph.D.
More and more people recognize the fear of being severely damaged by chronic stress, environmental toxicity, pollution, side effects of drugs and radiation and they prefer to start the journey to holistic, natural healing with methods that were used centuries ago, that seemed to be forgotten. You may question yourself why they should be forgotten, especially if they seemed to work in the past? The answer is a simple mono-answer- they were not financially profitable for the today’s business oriented society. They could not be formulated (patented) and thus, they were step by step forgotten. And in fact, we live in a sea of toxins, and in ocean of stress, responsible for the epidemic of chronic degenerative disease we see in the last 21st century: cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), allergies, fibromyalgia, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and many others.
You may recognize that the poor nutritional value of our food is further complicated by the extraordinary amounts of toxicity that have been absorbed throughout the years plus the huge amount of chronic stress, anxiety and depression you must also battle. What about the term “iatrogenic” diseases and deaths, known as the third mortality reason after heart attack and cancer? We would better stop right now, as we will cross a difficult crossroad to material success of the overwhelmingly ‘extra-profit’ oriented giants in all industries- chemistry, pharmaceutical and food industry, which will all do whatever is possible to make the big bug without a simple remorse or a singular thought on people's health and prevention.
Optimal health is when your body is functioning at its peak levels as it was designed to function by the Mother Nature. Achieving optimal health is an ongoing process -- taken one step at a time. The first step is to reinforce your knowledge and understanding of all the holistic power you have to effect change using everyday lifestyle choices and the importance of being an proactive participant. A truly healthy body should propel energy levels, an overall feeling of wellness and well-being, by forwarding a steam of sustained energy, by assuring the freedom from a disease. Sadly enough, with our today’s hectic lifestyle, toxic foods, and poor eating habits, we are too-often malnourished rather than nurtured. It can be quite of a challenge to find convenient ways to give your body the pampering and respect it strongly deserves.
What is a 'disease' according to allopathic medicine?
Disease is an abnormal condition of the physical body that results in impaired bodily functions. It is associated with specific symptoms or signs and can result in discomfort, physical dysfunction, distress, until final death of the physical body. Clinical diagnosis usually reveals a disease in its advanced stage when the biochemical and biophysical status of an organism has undergone significant changes. Sadly enough the initial complex of causal mechanisms and disturbances might remain hidden, since they are not revealed by standard diagnostic methods. For example cancer is an extremely serious disorder, in which cells proliferate in an uncontrolled way, often ultimately leading to death of the organism, followed by the suicide of the cancer itself. Such proliferation occurs because global co-ordination is lost, in such a way that the cells no longer respond to signals from their neighbors. Within the tumor, the living process becomes quite simple, and is to be reduced almost to one main process- the pathological uncontrolled growth. Since conventional medicine cannot go beyond the mechanistic approach, it leads us to address only the final result of the disease, and so to direct therapy only towards destroying the tumor in the face of chemotherapy and radiation(both extremely toxic and poisonous for the human body)
Holistic medicine considers disease as a result of disturbance of that 'perfect harmony' arrangement or that 'ideal coordination' within the organism (seen as a triplet of a physical body, mind and spirit) and its harmonic connection with the surroundings. Said with other words, the holistic approach is quite complex, dynamic, creative, and may provide new insights on the nature of disease. Thus rather than the present explanations in terms of isolated lesions, symptoms or syndromes in particular mechanisms (biochemical, immunological, molecular) it becomes possible to consider disease in terms of disturbances to the coordination and coherence in a living system. At the same time, to study the transition from the normal to the pathological state in terms of these new concepts may throw light on the intrinsic principles of life. The alternative is to perceive cancer as a systemic degenerative disease. This requires us to understand the organism as an interactive system that it will respond as a whole to any stimulus.
Organisms are open systems, which continually and concomitantly exchange energy and matter with the environment and between themselves. Because of their extreme sensitivity (understood in terms of non-linear dynamics) they can respond to a vanishingly small input of energy, provided that it carries significant information. Accordingly, cancer can be seen as a process initiated on the information level that reflects the intrinsic complexity and liability of life processes. Once disturbed from the harmonious state, living systems can neither shape themselves into highly organized patterns and structures, nor can they respond properly to their environment.
Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) includes a variety of healing approaches and therapies taken from around the world. Many aspects of complementary and alternative medicine are rooted in ancient systems of healing, such as those of China, India, Tibet, and Africa. Complementary and alternative medicine includes treatments and health care practices that generally are not taught in most medical schools, used in hospitals, or reimbursed by insurance companies. Complementary and alternative medicine practices may be used alone (CAM) or in conjunction with conventional medicine (allopathic medicine). For simplicity, however, the term alternative medicine is used as a remainder.
Although the distinction between conventional and alternative medicine is not always easy to determine, a basic philosophical difference exists. Conventional medicine generally defines health as the ‘absence of a disease’. The main causes of disease are usually considered to be isolated factors, such as pathogens (bacteria or viruses) or biochemical imbalances, and treatment often involves drugs or surgery. In contrast, alternative medicine practices often define health as a balance of body systems—physical, emotional, and spiritual—involving the whole person, that is, a holistic approach. Disharmony between these systems is thought to cause illness. Treatment involves strengthening the body's own defenses and restoring these balances. Alternative medicine also emphasizes preventing health problems before they arise.
An increasing number of people in the Western world are exploring alternative medicine as part of their medical care. In 1997, Americans made more than 629 million visits to alternative medicine practitioners, a 47% increase since 1990. This number substantially exceeds the 386 million visits made to all primary care doctors in the same year. The conditions for which people are most likely to seek alternative medicine treatments include chronic lower back pain, stress, migraine headaches, and arthritis. Some people also seek alternative medicine treatment when conventional treatment offers little hope, especially at the end of life. In order to slow down or to stop the aging process and to enjoy perfect health your intra and extra cellular fluids, and surface membranes must be kept youthful, and if damaged they must be repaired. It is also critical that you know what your body needs are in order to achieve your health and longevity objectives. The quality of life is directly dependent vector of the quality of vital energy in the mitochondria of your cells. They require oxygen, nutrients and ability to detox from their proper waste. Our nutritional consultants will be discussing in a seminar manner cession, how each of the factors provide a major influence on your energy levels, which foods to avoid, how to shop for the right foods, and how to cook for maximum nutritional absorption and energy level maintained.
One of the main goals of our center is to educate clients on the comparison and the differences between the holistic approach to a patient’s health and traditional medicine approach- the one they already knew or are used to. After long decades of education and practice we gained the wisdom of practicing both medicines, combining knowledge and wisdom that gave us the choice of a multidisciplinary approach. Since this is a holistic center, many clients believe that we are MD who will diagnose, order blood tests, X rays, MRI, CTC scan, and will cure their illnesses with pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgery. While we still offer help to our clients in their full recovery, rejuvenation and prevention, we do it from completely different point of view- the holistic one. We use and mobilize your proper body power to recognize its problems and to heal itself from within and with power of the Mother Nature. We know as professionals how to stimulate the above power due to our education and practice.
As professionals in holistic health, we believe that it makes sense to try the simplest, least invasive approach first to recognize the problem and then to eradicate it. Herbal remedies are way gentler than their chemical alternatives, and still extremely effective. There is no need for a 'quick fix', but to look for the roots of the problem, trying to heal the whole body instead of the individual symptom, organ, system or tissue. Our purpose in life is to help people avoiding surgery and harmful drugs, as longer as possible, and to assist them to lead a healthier, happier life throughout balance, right nutrition, detoxification, by keeping them well informed about how to stay away of nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. We are offering second opinion to your health problems while going to the road to health balance and healing with the power of knowledge to compare all your pros and cons in the way of healing.
We are offering the choice of Integrative Medicine (the medicine of the future) while comparing traditional versus holistic methods and treatments versus Natural healing. Our purpose is to utilize knowledge, after spending numerous years in medicine, learning for almost quarter century and to educate our clients, while serving them to the best of our knowledge and power. Would you seriously like to slow down the aging process, whilst enjoying vibrant health?
We promise that our consults, round tables, seminars and lectures will change your life! Give us a phone call today and enjoy! If you are truly serious about Health & Longevity you owe it to yourself, to know what to look for in a correct supplementation and an anti-aging plan/program. Please, allocate 10 minutes now and become educated and enlightened by clicking here: http://naturalhealth-wellness.com, or email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com or by dialing: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-7087; (218) 213-6167.
You may recognize that the poor nutritional value of our food is further complicated by the extraordinary amounts of toxicity that have been absorbed throughout the years plus the huge amount of chronic stress, anxiety and depression you must also battle. What about the term “iatrogenic” diseases and deaths, known as the third mortality reason after heart attack and cancer? We would better stop right now, as we will cross a difficult crossroad to material success of the overwhelmingly ‘extra-profit’ oriented giants in all industries- chemistry, pharmaceutical and food industry, which will all do whatever is possible to make the big bug without a simple remorse or a singular thought on people's health and prevention.
Optimal health is when your body is functioning at its peak levels as it was designed to function by the Mother Nature. Achieving optimal health is an ongoing process -- taken one step at a time. The first step is to reinforce your knowledge and understanding of all the holistic power you have to effect change using everyday lifestyle choices and the importance of being an proactive participant. A truly healthy body should propel energy levels, an overall feeling of wellness and well-being, by forwarding a steam of sustained energy, by assuring the freedom from a disease. Sadly enough, with our today’s hectic lifestyle, toxic foods, and poor eating habits, we are too-often malnourished rather than nurtured. It can be quite of a challenge to find convenient ways to give your body the pampering and respect it strongly deserves.
What is a 'disease' according to allopathic medicine?
Disease is an abnormal condition of the physical body that results in impaired bodily functions. It is associated with specific symptoms or signs and can result in discomfort, physical dysfunction, distress, until final death of the physical body. Clinical diagnosis usually reveals a disease in its advanced stage when the biochemical and biophysical status of an organism has undergone significant changes. Sadly enough the initial complex of causal mechanisms and disturbances might remain hidden, since they are not revealed by standard diagnostic methods. For example cancer is an extremely serious disorder, in which cells proliferate in an uncontrolled way, often ultimately leading to death of the organism, followed by the suicide of the cancer itself. Such proliferation occurs because global co-ordination is lost, in such a way that the cells no longer respond to signals from their neighbors. Within the tumor, the living process becomes quite simple, and is to be reduced almost to one main process- the pathological uncontrolled growth. Since conventional medicine cannot go beyond the mechanistic approach, it leads us to address only the final result of the disease, and so to direct therapy only towards destroying the tumor in the face of chemotherapy and radiation(both extremely toxic and poisonous for the human body)
Holistic medicine considers disease as a result of disturbance of that 'perfect harmony' arrangement or that 'ideal coordination' within the organism (seen as a triplet of a physical body, mind and spirit) and its harmonic connection with the surroundings. Said with other words, the holistic approach is quite complex, dynamic, creative, and may provide new insights on the nature of disease. Thus rather than the present explanations in terms of isolated lesions, symptoms or syndromes in particular mechanisms (biochemical, immunological, molecular) it becomes possible to consider disease in terms of disturbances to the coordination and coherence in a living system. At the same time, to study the transition from the normal to the pathological state in terms of these new concepts may throw light on the intrinsic principles of life. The alternative is to perceive cancer as a systemic degenerative disease. This requires us to understand the organism as an interactive system that it will respond as a whole to any stimulus.
Organisms are open systems, which continually and concomitantly exchange energy and matter with the environment and between themselves. Because of their extreme sensitivity (understood in terms of non-linear dynamics) they can respond to a vanishingly small input of energy, provided that it carries significant information. Accordingly, cancer can be seen as a process initiated on the information level that reflects the intrinsic complexity and liability of life processes. Once disturbed from the harmonious state, living systems can neither shape themselves into highly organized patterns and structures, nor can they respond properly to their environment.
Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) includes a variety of healing approaches and therapies taken from around the world. Many aspects of complementary and alternative medicine are rooted in ancient systems of healing, such as those of China, India, Tibet, and Africa. Complementary and alternative medicine includes treatments and health care practices that generally are not taught in most medical schools, used in hospitals, or reimbursed by insurance companies. Complementary and alternative medicine practices may be used alone (CAM) or in conjunction with conventional medicine (allopathic medicine). For simplicity, however, the term alternative medicine is used as a remainder.
Although the distinction between conventional and alternative medicine is not always easy to determine, a basic philosophical difference exists. Conventional medicine generally defines health as the ‘absence of a disease’. The main causes of disease are usually considered to be isolated factors, such as pathogens (bacteria or viruses) or biochemical imbalances, and treatment often involves drugs or surgery. In contrast, alternative medicine practices often define health as a balance of body systems—physical, emotional, and spiritual—involving the whole person, that is, a holistic approach. Disharmony between these systems is thought to cause illness. Treatment involves strengthening the body's own defenses and restoring these balances. Alternative medicine also emphasizes preventing health problems before they arise.
An increasing number of people in the Western world are exploring alternative medicine as part of their medical care. In 1997, Americans made more than 629 million visits to alternative medicine practitioners, a 47% increase since 1990. This number substantially exceeds the 386 million visits made to all primary care doctors in the same year. The conditions for which people are most likely to seek alternative medicine treatments include chronic lower back pain, stress, migraine headaches, and arthritis. Some people also seek alternative medicine treatment when conventional treatment offers little hope, especially at the end of life. In order to slow down or to stop the aging process and to enjoy perfect health your intra and extra cellular fluids, and surface membranes must be kept youthful, and if damaged they must be repaired. It is also critical that you know what your body needs are in order to achieve your health and longevity objectives. The quality of life is directly dependent vector of the quality of vital energy in the mitochondria of your cells. They require oxygen, nutrients and ability to detox from their proper waste. Our nutritional consultants will be discussing in a seminar manner cession, how each of the factors provide a major influence on your energy levels, which foods to avoid, how to shop for the right foods, and how to cook for maximum nutritional absorption and energy level maintained.
One of the main goals of our center is to educate clients on the comparison and the differences between the holistic approach to a patient’s health and traditional medicine approach- the one they already knew or are used to. After long decades of education and practice we gained the wisdom of practicing both medicines, combining knowledge and wisdom that gave us the choice of a multidisciplinary approach. Since this is a holistic center, many clients believe that we are MD who will diagnose, order blood tests, X rays, MRI, CTC scan, and will cure their illnesses with pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgery. While we still offer help to our clients in their full recovery, rejuvenation and prevention, we do it from completely different point of view- the holistic one. We use and mobilize your proper body power to recognize its problems and to heal itself from within and with power of the Mother Nature. We know as professionals how to stimulate the above power due to our education and practice.
As professionals in holistic health, we believe that it makes sense to try the simplest, least invasive approach first to recognize the problem and then to eradicate it. Herbal remedies are way gentler than their chemical alternatives, and still extremely effective. There is no need for a 'quick fix', but to look for the roots of the problem, trying to heal the whole body instead of the individual symptom, organ, system or tissue. Our purpose in life is to help people avoiding surgery and harmful drugs, as longer as possible, and to assist them to lead a healthier, happier life throughout balance, right nutrition, detoxification, by keeping them well informed about how to stay away of nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. We are offering second opinion to your health problems while going to the road to health balance and healing with the power of knowledge to compare all your pros and cons in the way of healing.
We are offering the choice of Integrative Medicine (the medicine of the future) while comparing traditional versus holistic methods and treatments versus Natural healing. Our purpose is to utilize knowledge, after spending numerous years in medicine, learning for almost quarter century and to educate our clients, while serving them to the best of our knowledge and power. Would you seriously like to slow down the aging process, whilst enjoying vibrant health?
We promise that our consults, round tables, seminars and lectures will change your life! Give us a phone call today and enjoy! If you are truly serious about Health & Longevity you owe it to yourself, to know what to look for in a correct supplementation and an anti-aging plan/program. Please, allocate 10 minutes now and become educated and enlightened by clicking here: http://naturalhealth-wellness.com, or email: doctors@naturalhealth-wellness.com or by dialing: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-7087; (218) 213-6167.
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