Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph.D.
Healthy motivation for a good nutrition is just the first part of a New Year Resolution Healthy Plan. We all know that getting started with a new healthy diet or a new fitness plan is the easiest part of each New Year’s resolution lifestyle. However, many of us hit frequent or occasional weight loss plateaus due to busy schedules, stress of a job loss, depression due to a divorce, bankruptcy or the loss of a loved one. Those weight loss plateaus are the episodes when people feel like they do everything right, but the scale doesn't seem to even move.
We, as humans, are frequently complaining of a loss of motivation due to multiple factors. What I wish to share with you is that choosing a “stubborn persistence approach” (SPA) is the only correct choice. When plateau happens, don't give up and turn to exercise. As a second component of a healthy lifestyle next to a good and balanced diet- fitness or daily exercise is the best way to put depression away. If you lead a steady sedentary lifestyle, you need to get out and keep moving. Walking, running, snowboarding are all aerobic exercises while weight lifting is anaerobic example of an exercise. If you want to lose weight, it is important to increase both, your aerobic activity like walking or running and anaerobic weight lifting. Someone could ask why? If you need to lose weight you will need to increase your muscle strength. Thus, you need to start resistance training such as weight lifting. There is no need you to go to a healthy club or to pay the bill of an expensive fitness center. You can do all of the above from the comfort of your private house.
Whether it's your 2010 New Year Resolution Plan set to be reached, I can advise you to make the next year of your life a healthier one.
1. The First Step- is to set your goals.
2. Your Second Step is to take a look at what your diet have been like until now. Determine your new diet.
3. Your Third Step is to check what your behavioral-lifestyle program has been like until now. Set your new active lifestyle.
To design your New 2010 Year Resolution Plan for a Healthier you, you need to know:
How many calories do you need to eat each day to reach your weight gain or weight loss goal? Usually, women on a diet should eat about 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day; men, approximately 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. This will allow for a weight loss of one to two pounds per week, which is considered a safe rate of loss. Staying within that calorie range, you might be able to decrease hunger pangs to by reducing carbs and eating more protein, which can help you feel fuller longer as well as reduce cravings. If you are really serious about changing your diet, losing (or gaining) weight and improving your health, you will find that keeping a food diary is key to your success. You can keep track of the foods you eat every day in a Food Diary Notebook. Note the portion sizes and write down the calories you eat every day. Add up the number of calories you eat each day and your total for the week. If you need to lose weight, decrease the number of calories you need to eat each week by 500. By eating 500 fewer calories each day, most people will lose about one pound per week.
Should you count your calories or carbs? While counting both is important — but counting calories is more important! To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than you expend in any given day. You can actually reduce the amount of carbs you eat, but if you're still taking in more calories than you're expending, you'll gain weight.
What is the best over-the-counter dietary supplement? There is not such term that works for anyone. If you are generally in good health, there is nothing better than good and balanced diet to give you the vitamins and energy you need every day. However, taking a multivitamin on a daily basis will not hurt, especially in case you are slim, cahectic, losing pounds despite of the way you eat, nutritionally deficient, suffering of a disease, or miss all your nutrients on that occasional American junk-food diet. In that case, look for a reputable brand—daily multivitamin combined with minerals, antioxidants with super foods like the one we offer on our web site.
Do you feel better with three large meals per day or five smaller meals per day? There are people and people. Some people feel better when they eat small but frequent means and who feel the urge to snack between main meals. On the contrary there are people who prefer to stick with their 3 large meals without snacking in between. I cannot assure you what exactly road to select as I do not know what is your exact metabolic type. Thus listen the voice of your body and refill its needs. But if you suffer of Metabolic Syndrome or Prediabetes sticking with 3 normal meals during the day seems to be the best choice as you do not overstimulate the hypothalamus on a constant basis.
Learn which foods can substitute for the unhealthy foods you have been eating. A healthy diet should give you five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day, 25 grams of fiber per day, five or six ounces of protein per day and a small amount of omega-3 essential fatty acids each day. When you shop for healthy foods, use a shopping list and stay away from the middle ranged prepackaged foods aisles as much as possible. Avoid foods high in saturated fats, sodium, trans-fats and sugar.
What should you change in case you have been diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes or Prediabetes? If your body mass index (BMI) is greater than 25, you should lose weight, because your weight is making your predisposition to develop Type 2 diabetes stronger. Prediabetes is just the step before Type 2 diabetes and weight gain can cause both. A diet that has been tested in the literature to help lower blood glucose is the Low GI diet. The glycemic index is a way of quantifying how high your blood sugar is raised by a certain food. Foods that are low on the glycemic index (GI) tend to be better for maintaining a normal blood sugar. Typical foods low on the glycemic index is fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins, and whole grains.
What diet you should choose in case if you are Hypertonic? DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is one of the best clinically tested diets for Hypertonia in the literature. It was first developed to treat hypertension, but has since been found to help with blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and weight loss. The DASH diet is high in lean protein, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains, and about 25 percent of total daily calories come from good fats, like extra virgin olive and organic canola oils.
Do you go to eat in restaurants often? If you enjoy frequent restaurant meals, you might consider changing the above habit with a healthier and cheaper one. Replace frequent going to restaurants with home cooked meals. Prepare your food at the comfort and flexibility of your own home and give or receive love throughout your cooking habits. I do not know for any other way to better express love to a family or a parent than cooking their food. Cooking methods are important for healthy nutrition. Sautéing is better than deep-frying your foods. Frying foods adds fats and calories and doesn't add any nutrition. Steam your vegetables instead of boiling them to mush. Steaming will preserve more of the vitamins found in the vegetables.
What type of Foods should you chose? Choose crunchy raw nuts instead of chips and serve them without your 2009 favorite dip. Choose whole grain breads and pasta instead of white bread and white pasta. Skip all sugary desserts and have a small dish of fresh berries with a dab of whipped cream or non-fat whipped topping with a sprinkling of walnuts on top. Use lemon juice and olive oil instead of salad dressing. Choose low fat ground turkey instead of high fat ground beef. To stick with your new diet, you will want to include foods you enjoy. Even if you love hamburgers, that's OK. Make them at home with whole grain rolls and cut down the size of the hamburger patty, or use ground turkey. Add lots of lettuce, onion, and tomato. Add a huge salad instead of big portion of fries.
What types of fruits and vegetables should you choose? Give preference to the fruits and vegetables with low GI index and that are not starchy. Choose fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, lean meats, fish and legumes.
You can use common sense free on line tools to follow your calories count:
Here are few quick ideas for your New 2010 Resolution Plan:
1. Exercising regularly may help you to lose the fat around your waist area.
2. Eliminate high fructose corn syrup and all the other artificial sweeteners.
3. Cut MSG, Aspartame (NutraSweet), Sucralose (Splenda) off your diet.
4. Use an anti-inflammatory diet and supplements to reduce the free radicals and the signs of chronic inflammation.
5. Take at least 2 grams omega-3 capsules per day (fish oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil etc).
6. Use aged garlic extract to lower bad cholesterol levels.
7. Take advantage of natural antioxidants in fruits and vegetables.
8. Lower your homocysteine levels.
9. Use antioxidants/vitamins to prevent cholesterol oxidation and nerve damage.
10. Add plenty of soluble fiber to your diet to lower your blood sugar.
11. Avoid eating foods high in absorbable iron (in red meat and others).
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to request an on line or by phone alternative consultation, or a newly written article that can suit your business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
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