Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph.D.
Autoimmune diseases have something in common with cancer. Both diseases are chronic, progressive degenerative proinflammatory diseases, with not well known etiology and pathogenesis (reason and mechanism of appearance), not well known and proven treatment, and maybe one of their main difference with cancer is that the last one is a byproduct of the extremely suppressed immunity, while autoimmune diseases are due to the paradoxically or pathologically increased immune system that recognizes its proper organs and tissues as unknown (alien ones) and attacks them.
Autoimmune diseases, show symptoms that range from mild and middle rated to life-threatening, but most of them can go into short of long term remission- in terms of weeks, months and even years. Conventional medicine manages autoimmune symptoms with two main group of drugs: 1) Immunosuppressive drugs [Imuran (Azathioprine), Leukeran (Chorambucil), Isoleukeran, Methotrexate] and 2) Anti-inflammatory corticosteroid drugs (Prednisone) that can control the severity of symptoms. While being helpful, the above drugs should be used with caution, due to 1) their multiple side effects and 2) while helping-they can reduce the chance the disease to will into its natural remission. In case if you face autoimmune disease you will need a multifaceted comprehensive program that is designed to help overcome your symptoms and to restore your previous stable health. A drug called beta-interferon has become the conventional treatment for autoimmune diseases. While it can slow the progression of the disease, it is quite expensive and produces unpleasant side effects.
Signs & Symptoms that you may face:
1. Frequent fatigue
2. Unexpected falling episodes
3. Trouble climbing stairs or standing from a seated position
4. A foot that seems to drop when walking, causing tripping
5. Weakened hand grip
6. Difficulty swallowing
7. Weakness and noticeable shrinking of the quadriceps (main muscle of the thighs), causing falls
8. Weakness in the forearm muscles or of muscles below the knees, causing the foot to drop and toes to catch when walking
9. Weakness of flexor muscles of the fingers used for gripping
10. Weakness of throat muscles, causing trouble swallowing (dysphagia) and possibly choking
11. Pain or discomfort as muscles weaken
Cutting-edge research reveals that many people with autoimmune diseases share certain genetic commonalities that are known markers for gluten intolerance. Many holistic healers found that when they treat the food intolerance, the other problems fade away without any need for prednisone or other immune-suppressants or cytostatics.
A relatively new study found that household insecticides may be linked to autoimmune diseases. Parks the lead investigator of this study concluded at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting in Philadelphia PA (2009, October 17) that her team findings do raise a red flag. In her proper words “It is hard to envision what other factors might explain this association.”
Autoimmune diseases tend to flare up after short or longer periods of remission as well as in response to emotional ups and downs. Thus, any form of mind/body treatment-hypnosis, meditation, psychotherapy, cognitive restructuring, guided imaginary, personal autosuggestion or biofeedback may be extremely helpful. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine are also of an immense help but you have to turn to a well trained Chinese traditional naturopath for the above purpose.
Even though I always considered that there are multiple aspects to be covered when dealing with autoimmune disease without significance what exactly the autoimmune disease diagnosis might be, I do definitely agree that a good diet and the addition of dietary supplements in term of a good multivitamin with minerals (trace minerals) are one of the most important first and second step that should be considered. If you are asking why, my answer is quite simple. Just due to the fact that those are diseases in which the immune system is not performing on its best, and it works with elevated speed or at least not at its desired level, there is a need to help the body to modulate it. You do not need immunopotentiating formulas, but you may consider immunomodulators
Dietary changes that might be of help:
1. Try to reduce protein intake to 10-15% of your total calories. You may replace animal protein with a plant protein. In case you cannot separate with meats in your diet- consume organic ones predominantly.
2. Make attempt to avoid milk, yolk and dairy byproducts. You may indulge organic fetta cheese only in time of remission.
3. Eat more seasonable and organic fruits and vegetables. The main diet should consist of plenty of seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts (with the exception of alfalfa sprouts), green foods or super foods.
4. Eliminate all polyunsaturated vegetable oils (margarine, vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated oils, and mainly trans-fats acids) deep-fried and all the foods that might contain them. Use virgin olive oil or coconut oil for cooking instead.
5. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by consuming wild Alaskan salmon, or other oily non-farmed cold fish, flax seeds oil or consider a complementary 3 omega formula -1-3 g/ day
6. Add a good multivitamin and antioxidant to your daily routine. For enhancing your energy, you may consider: acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC), alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), and coenzyme Q10 of 30 mg (2-3 times daily)
7. You can add Lactobacillus and Acidophilus culture while soluble fiber and psyllium may help if constipation is a problem, together with the ayurvedic herbal Triphala.
8. Walk and exercise when possible and as much as your body can tolerate.
9. You should rest between your daily chores.
10. Assure at least 8h of a good night sleep.
11. If you are suffering from excessive fatigue, concentrate on getting adequate rest. In addition, you could take Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Ashwagandha or Cordyceps, a traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom that may help fight fatigue and boost energy levels. Ashwagandha and Ayurvedic herbs might be very helpful.
13. Ensure enough sun light daily and try to do “deep breathing” exercises. Vit D3 is one of the best immunomodulators in case of autoimmune disease diagnosis.
14. If you accept your emotions of anger, denial or frustration that are all usually staged feelings you will feel much better while dealing with autoimmune diseases. Try to maintain your daily routine as best you can and don't neglect doing the things you enjoy. By eliminating all the stress and any negative influences, including negative people or people who consume your proper energy you will improve your health status.
15. Exercise: One of the best thing you can do for yourself is finding time and power for at least 20 - 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, or simple daily walking on a daily basis. A British study found that 55 percent of the chronic fatigue patients who took part in a 12-week exercise program rated themselves better after just one year of aerobic exercise 74 percent of all patients considered themselves very much improved.
Autoimmune diseases, show symptoms that range from mild and middle rated to life-threatening, but most of them can go into short of long term remission- in terms of weeks, months and even years. Conventional medicine manages autoimmune symptoms with two main group of drugs: 1) Immunosuppressive drugs [Imuran (Azathioprine), Leukeran (Chorambucil), Isoleukeran, Methotrexate] and 2) Anti-inflammatory corticosteroid drugs (Prednisone) that can control the severity of symptoms. While being helpful, the above drugs should be used with caution, due to 1) their multiple side effects and 2) while helping-they can reduce the chance the disease to will into its natural remission. In case if you face autoimmune disease you will need a multifaceted comprehensive program that is designed to help overcome your symptoms and to restore your previous stable health. A drug called beta-interferon has become the conventional treatment for autoimmune diseases. While it can slow the progression of the disease, it is quite expensive and produces unpleasant side effects.
Signs & Symptoms that you may face:
1. Frequent fatigue
2. Unexpected falling episodes
3. Trouble climbing stairs or standing from a seated position
4. A foot that seems to drop when walking, causing tripping
5. Weakened hand grip
6. Difficulty swallowing
7. Weakness and noticeable shrinking of the quadriceps (main muscle of the thighs), causing falls
8. Weakness in the forearm muscles or of muscles below the knees, causing the foot to drop and toes to catch when walking
9. Weakness of flexor muscles of the fingers used for gripping
10. Weakness of throat muscles, causing trouble swallowing (dysphagia) and possibly choking
11. Pain or discomfort as muscles weaken
Cutting-edge research reveals that many people with autoimmune diseases share certain genetic commonalities that are known markers for gluten intolerance. Many holistic healers found that when they treat the food intolerance, the other problems fade away without any need for prednisone or other immune-suppressants or cytostatics.
A relatively new study found that household insecticides may be linked to autoimmune diseases. Parks the lead investigator of this study concluded at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting in Philadelphia PA (2009, October 17) that her team findings do raise a red flag. In her proper words “It is hard to envision what other factors might explain this association.”
Autoimmune diseases tend to flare up after short or longer periods of remission as well as in response to emotional ups and downs. Thus, any form of mind/body treatment-hypnosis, meditation, psychotherapy, cognitive restructuring, guided imaginary, personal autosuggestion or biofeedback may be extremely helpful. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine are also of an immense help but you have to turn to a well trained Chinese traditional naturopath for the above purpose.
Even though I always considered that there are multiple aspects to be covered when dealing with autoimmune disease without significance what exactly the autoimmune disease diagnosis might be, I do definitely agree that a good diet and the addition of dietary supplements in term of a good multivitamin with minerals (trace minerals) are one of the most important first and second step that should be considered. If you are asking why, my answer is quite simple. Just due to the fact that those are diseases in which the immune system is not performing on its best, and it works with elevated speed or at least not at its desired level, there is a need to help the body to modulate it. You do not need immunopotentiating formulas, but you may consider immunomodulators
Dietary changes that might be of help:
1. Try to reduce protein intake to 10-15% of your total calories. You may replace animal protein with a plant protein. In case you cannot separate with meats in your diet- consume organic ones predominantly.
2. Make attempt to avoid milk, yolk and dairy byproducts. You may indulge organic fetta cheese only in time of remission.
3. Eat more seasonable and organic fruits and vegetables. The main diet should consist of plenty of seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts (with the exception of alfalfa sprouts), green foods or super foods.
4. Eliminate all polyunsaturated vegetable oils (margarine, vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated oils, and mainly trans-fats acids) deep-fried and all the foods that might contain them. Use virgin olive oil or coconut oil for cooking instead.
5. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by consuming wild Alaskan salmon, or other oily non-farmed cold fish, flax seeds oil or consider a complementary 3 omega formula -1-3 g/ day
6. Add a good multivitamin and antioxidant to your daily routine. For enhancing your energy, you may consider: acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC), alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), and coenzyme Q10 of 30 mg (2-3 times daily)
7. You can add Lactobacillus and Acidophilus culture while soluble fiber and psyllium may help if constipation is a problem, together with the ayurvedic herbal Triphala.
8. Walk and exercise when possible and as much as your body can tolerate.
9. You should rest between your daily chores.
10. Assure at least 8h of a good night sleep.
11. If you are suffering from excessive fatigue, concentrate on getting adequate rest. In addition, you could take Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Ashwagandha or Cordyceps, a traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom that may help fight fatigue and boost energy levels. Ashwagandha and Ayurvedic herbs might be very helpful.
13. Ensure enough sun light daily and try to do “deep breathing” exercises. Vit D3 is one of the best immunomodulators in case of autoimmune disease diagnosis.
14. If you accept your emotions of anger, denial or frustration that are all usually staged feelings you will feel much better while dealing with autoimmune diseases. Try to maintain your daily routine as best you can and don't neglect doing the things you enjoy. By eliminating all the stress and any negative influences, including negative people or people who consume your proper energy you will improve your health status.
15. Exercise: One of the best thing you can do for yourself is finding time and power for at least 20 - 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, or simple daily walking on a daily basis. A British study found that 55 percent of the chronic fatigue patients who took part in a 12-week exercise program rated themselves better after just one year of aerobic exercise 74 percent of all patients considered themselves very much improved.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to request an on line or by phone alternative consultation, or a newly written article that can suit your business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2010, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2010, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
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