The anti-homeopathic, anti-vitamin and anti-herbal propaganda or the so called “anti-Eastern” medicine movement is a reaction to the high handed arrogance of the conventional medical establishment, sponsored by the big giants of Corporate America. You may hear casual news on the beneficial effect of some vitamins or nutrients and the immediate “denialism” that the same do not work or that they have not proven benefits. It's a tragedy that safe, natural remedies, vitamins or minerals are deliberately ignored in favor of greed and profit. Immediate phrase as “more scientific studies” are needed is following the above approach.
We must remember that constant “denialism” may kill people as it is energetically negative. After leafing through latest literature data, while reading the April issue (2010) of Reader’s Digest and its so called anti-vitamin “propaganda” news data, it is quite easy to understand, that statements like these contain no facts, but only vague attempts to conflate “denialism” and causality. It's a tragedy that achievements of one of the oldest (Eastern and Western) Worlds are deliberately ignored in favor of ignorance, greed, and profit.
At the same time the opposite “anti-educational” or “anti-science” movement is only a symptom of the irrationality phenomenon--that ugly child of the Western “antiintellectualism.” People are conditioned to believe that it’s almost “inhuman” or “unmanly” to be exceptionally educated and smart. People of intelligence are sent clear signals to hide their gifts, under the term of being “overqualified” so the average people don't feel threatened. Later in life, nerds are tolerated only insofar as they make the gadgets run and keep bringing advancements in our Western elevated standard of living. People are instructed that “simple” minds are honest minds with Godly spirits. Thus, nobody wants or attempts to get exceptionally smart. Of course, we don't want, especially to be dumb, but surely not one of those “nerds."
Thus, we come to a place where, everyone has his/her own private set of statements, visions or principles. In the particular case of a science, most people don't have any meaningful exposure to it in schools. Modern science is intertwined with mathematics, a difficult discipline that is often taught poorly in primary schools. Lack of mathematical fluency is a barrier to much scientific understanding. In addition, the discipline of logic is not taught in primary schools, despite being an essential tool for evaluating what might or might not be true.
Thus, we come to a place where, everyone has his/her own private set of statements, visions or principles. In the particular case of a science, most people don't have any meaningful exposure to it in schools. Modern science is intertwined with mathematics, a difficult discipline that is often taught poorly in primary schools. Lack of mathematical fluency is a barrier to much scientific understanding. In addition, the discipline of logic is not taught in primary schools, despite being an essential tool for evaluating what might or might not be true.
Born an European, I grew up in an environment where intelligence was the way to escape from the grotesque physical deformity of leading the traumatizing laboring style of life or to avoid the so called life of the peasant. It was agonizing to study all day long, or to play instruments in the rest of the time, instead of playing with classmates. I've since grown up, created a dynamic stereotype to build a degree after degree, or to learn language after another, requiring the same from my children. I could not leave that part of me back in my childhood and consider it as an odd phenomenon that seems to have a patchy distribution across one part of the European World.
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