Antoaneta Sawyer, PhD
Nowadays, there are many men who are complaining of the so called “androgen (testosterone) deficiency” syndrome, characterized by several symptoms like: anxiety, low energy, low libido, frequent fatigue, mood shifts, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, sleep disturbance, morning tiredness, frequent anger and depression. The association between androgens and sexual function is proven 30 years ago.
The main function of the prostate is to secrete and store a clear fluid with slightly alkaline PH 7.29 that constitutes 10-30% of the volume of the semen. The rest of the seminal fluid is produced by two seminal vesicles. To work properly, the prostate needs androgens (male hormones), which are responsible for the male primary and secondary characteristics. The main male androgen hormone- testosterone is produced by the testicles and in very small amounts by the adrenals. The hormone regulator of the prostate gland is the metabolite of testosterone known as “dehydrotestosterone”. As in aging men the production of testosterone is generally reduces, they have not enough production of its metabolite either.
Generally, androgen deficiency in males above 40 must be confirmed by at least two morning samples taken on different mornings. The phenomena “androgen deficiency” is confirmed by testosterone less than 8 mmol/ L, or 8-15 mmol/ Litter with elevated LH greater than 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal reference eugonadal range for young men. The conventional medicine defines androgen deficiency as available when men show lower than normal amounts of testosterone or in older men is a synonym of the so called “male menopause.” Erectile impotence (ED), known as the main symptom behind the phenomena is proven related to metabolic syndrome (hypertonia, cardiovascular diseases) or as a side effect of its therapy.
Despite it can be diagnosed with a simple blood test, there are also many cases showing it as an uncommon cause of men with ED. Malcolm Carruthers, MD, an UK based physician published several popular books on the diagnosis and treatment of testosterone deficiency, “Male Menopause” “Maximizing Manhood” and “The Testosterone Revolution”, “ADAM : Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male.”
Adrenal (testosterone) deficiency is a frequent syndrome in elderly due to the following factors:
1. Prostate operation (radical and partial).
2. Latent (subtle) form of adrenal deficiency.
3. Undiagnosed form of adrenal deficiency.
4. Missing health care coverage.
5. Low socioeconomic status.
According to an U.S. study, published May 26, 2008 in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine many men with low testosterone levels do not receive any treatment, due to their low socioeconomic status and missing health care coverage: a/ low socioeconomic status b/ missing health care coverage.
The conventional medicine offers several options for hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), able to restore testosterone levels back to the normal range. Testosterone can be administered as: gel, capsules, patches, injections, implants. The best way to find out which option is the best for you is to consult with your primary physician. The holistic medicine offers botanicals and nutritional formulas proven to help in this disorder like: Pygeum africanum, Saw palmetto, Tribulus terrestris, Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), Vitamin E, Selenium, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Horny Goat, Zinc and Lycopene.
The main function of the prostate is to secrete and store a clear fluid with slightly alkaline PH 7.29 that constitutes 10-30% of the volume of the semen. The rest of the seminal fluid is produced by two seminal vesicles. To work properly, the prostate needs androgens (male hormones), which are responsible for the male primary and secondary characteristics. The main male androgen hormone- testosterone is produced by the testicles and in very small amounts by the adrenals. The hormone regulator of the prostate gland is the metabolite of testosterone known as “dehydrotestosterone”. As in aging men the production of testosterone is generally reduces, they have not enough production of its metabolite either.
Generally, androgen deficiency in males above 40 must be confirmed by at least two morning samples taken on different mornings. The phenomena “androgen deficiency” is confirmed by testosterone less than 8 mmol/ L, or 8-15 mmol/ Litter with elevated LH greater than 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal reference eugonadal range for young men. The conventional medicine defines androgen deficiency as available when men show lower than normal amounts of testosterone or in older men is a synonym of the so called “male menopause.” Erectile impotence (ED), known as the main symptom behind the phenomena is proven related to metabolic syndrome (hypertonia, cardiovascular diseases) or as a side effect of its therapy.
Despite it can be diagnosed with a simple blood test, there are also many cases showing it as an uncommon cause of men with ED. Malcolm Carruthers, MD, an UK based physician published several popular books on the diagnosis and treatment of testosterone deficiency, “Male Menopause” “Maximizing Manhood” and “The Testosterone Revolution”, “ADAM : Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male.”
Adrenal (testosterone) deficiency is a frequent syndrome in elderly due to the following factors:
1. Prostate operation (radical and partial).
2. Latent (subtle) form of adrenal deficiency.
3. Undiagnosed form of adrenal deficiency.
4. Missing health care coverage.
5. Low socioeconomic status.
According to an U.S. study, published May 26, 2008 in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine many men with low testosterone levels do not receive any treatment, due to their low socioeconomic status and missing health care coverage: a/ low socioeconomic status b/ missing health care coverage.
The conventional medicine offers several options for hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), able to restore testosterone levels back to the normal range. Testosterone can be administered as: gel, capsules, patches, injections, implants. The best way to find out which option is the best for you is to consult with your primary physician. The holistic medicine offers botanicals and nutritional formulas proven to help in this disorder like: Pygeum africanum, Saw palmetto, Tribulus terrestris, Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), Vitamin E, Selenium, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Horny Goat, Zinc and Lycopene.
Courtesy of Youtube.com
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