Eating to starve the adipose (fat) tissue will be maybe the new and amazing breakthrough or "antiobesity approach" in fighting the metabolic syndrome pandemic of 21st century. Similarly to cancer, adipocytes (fat cells) show malignant memory and obesity is largely dependent on angiogenesis. "Like tumor cells, fat cells grow when blood vessels grow," is the conclusion of Dr. William Li. So in essence, a "cancer-preventive" diet it should be an "obesity-preventive" diet also. (Source, TED.com)
Angiogenesis is the process of growing new blood vessels within your body, a natural formation that occurs after an injury or during the process of reproduction. As described, it is a natural, physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels from old and pre-existing ones. Despite considered normal process in growth, development, and in wound healing, angiogenesis is also a step in the growth of cancer tumors from a latent (dormant) state to an expressed (malignant) one. The phenomena" tumor angiogenesis" is described for first by Greenblatt and Shubik (1968) (Sources, Wiki and Ehow.com)
Otherwise, the answer to cancer is to prevent angiogenesis, which can effectively starve any cancerous cell-growths (even microscopic ones), preventing dangerous tumor overgrowth and future metastasis. We all know that drugs and surgery are the only well known conventional approach in the recent battle with cancer. In fact the term "antiangiogenesis" is a synonym for "anticancerous," but soon it might mean-"antiobese" also. (Source, Wiki)
Dr William Li believes that food is equally if not more powerful in terms of preventing cancer and obesity, comparatively to drugs and surgery. The scientist believes that by consuming specific "antiangiogenetic" foods and beverages, the body will naturally fight cancer and/or obesity. Li calls it "eating to starve obesity and cancer." For example, according to him, resveratrol from red grapes, and ellagic acid from strawberries have been shown to inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60 percent. (Source, TED.com)
Similarly to drugs- foods are found to work in synergism (potentiator), antagonism (antagonist) or as additives' (indifferent). In fact the food may work as a drug and a healthy and wholesome diet is the only guarantee for health prevention and a disease cure. By constant balancing hormonal (insulin, ghrelin, leptin) levels, and protecting radicals of oxidation (negative radicals), glycation and methylation will help you prevent any disease, including cancer and obesity. (Source, TED.com)
According to Li, foods are even exceeding the potential of drugs include parsley, soy, red grapes and garlic. "Some foods are as potent, if not even more potent than several antiangiogenetic drugs" claims the scientist, who is engaged in collecting the so called "food rating score system" (FRSS) as per their antiangiogenetic (antiobese and anticancer) potential. (Source, Blog, ted.com)
It fact, it seems quite logical, from nutritional point of view, that different foods will have different antiangiogenetic potential. That is why, the team started to evaluate different foods alone or by combining them and found that similarly to drugs- foods work in synergism, antagonism or showed an additive behavior. For example, when the author evaluated a combination of two relatively weak in their antiangiogenetic potential (Jasmine and Sencha) Chinese teas, it was created a completely new one, more powerful than all the previous ones , included in the study. (Source, TED.com)
So, by consuming "antiangiogenetic" foods you can naturally boost your body's defense system and prevent blood vessels supply to tumors or fat cells that exist in your body. Thus, "eating to starve obesity" could be the new and dramatic approach in the battle to decrease obesity rates across the world. According to the team, resveratrol from red grapes, and ellagic acid from berries have been shown to inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60 percent. (Source, TED.com)
The scientist believes that Mother Nature is offering a plethora of different foods- the future answer to obesity and cancer enigmatic cure. In his proper words, "Mother nature has placed a large number of foods, beverages and herbs with naturally occurring inhibitors of angiogenesis. Starving cancer growth is similar to the starvation of the adipose tissue." So in essence, a cancer-preventive diet is also an obesity-preventive diet. (Source, TED.com)
The main "antiangiogenetic" list of foods listed by Dr. Li are: Green tea, Resveratrol (in red grapes), Ellagic acid from (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries), Cherries, Garlic, Kale, Turmeric, Parsley, Maitake mushrooms, Artichokes, Tomatoes, Nutmeg, Turmeric (Curcuma) (Source, TED.com)
Photo credit: Flickr
Courtesy to http://www.ted.com/
Angiogenesis is the process of growing new blood vessels within your body, a natural formation that occurs after an injury or during the process of reproduction. As described, it is a natural, physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels from old and pre-existing ones. Despite considered normal process in growth, development, and in wound healing, angiogenesis is also a step in the growth of cancer tumors from a latent (dormant) state to an expressed (malignant) one. The phenomena" tumor angiogenesis" is described for first by Greenblatt and Shubik (1968) (Sources, Wiki and Ehow.com)
Otherwise, the answer to cancer is to prevent angiogenesis, which can effectively starve any cancerous cell-growths (even microscopic ones), preventing dangerous tumor overgrowth and future metastasis. We all know that drugs and surgery are the only well known conventional approach in the recent battle with cancer. In fact the term "antiangiogenesis" is a synonym for "anticancerous," but soon it might mean-"antiobese" also. (Source, Wiki)
Dr William Li believes that food is equally if not more powerful in terms of preventing cancer and obesity, comparatively to drugs and surgery. The scientist believes that by consuming specific "antiangiogenetic" foods and beverages, the body will naturally fight cancer and/or obesity. Li calls it "eating to starve obesity and cancer." For example, according to him, resveratrol from red grapes, and ellagic acid from strawberries have been shown to inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60 percent. (Source, TED.com)
Similarly to drugs- foods are found to work in synergism (potentiator), antagonism (antagonist) or as additives' (indifferent). In fact the food may work as a drug and a healthy and wholesome diet is the only guarantee for health prevention and a disease cure. By constant balancing hormonal (insulin, ghrelin, leptin) levels, and protecting radicals of oxidation (negative radicals), glycation and methylation will help you prevent any disease, including cancer and obesity. (Source, TED.com)
According to Li, foods are even exceeding the potential of drugs include parsley, soy, red grapes and garlic. "Some foods are as potent, if not even more potent than several antiangiogenetic drugs" claims the scientist, who is engaged in collecting the so called "food rating score system" (FRSS) as per their antiangiogenetic (antiobese and anticancer) potential. (Source, Blog, ted.com)
It fact, it seems quite logical, from nutritional point of view, that different foods will have different antiangiogenetic potential. That is why, the team started to evaluate different foods alone or by combining them and found that similarly to drugs- foods work in synergism, antagonism or showed an additive behavior. For example, when the author evaluated a combination of two relatively weak in their antiangiogenetic potential (Jasmine and Sencha) Chinese teas, it was created a completely new one, more powerful than all the previous ones , included in the study. (Source, TED.com)
So, by consuming "antiangiogenetic" foods you can naturally boost your body's defense system and prevent blood vessels supply to tumors or fat cells that exist in your body. Thus, "eating to starve obesity" could be the new and dramatic approach in the battle to decrease obesity rates across the world. According to the team, resveratrol from red grapes, and ellagic acid from berries have been shown to inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60 percent. (Source, TED.com)
The scientist believes that Mother Nature is offering a plethora of different foods- the future answer to obesity and cancer enigmatic cure. In his proper words, "Mother nature has placed a large number of foods, beverages and herbs with naturally occurring inhibitors of angiogenesis. Starving cancer growth is similar to the starvation of the adipose tissue." So in essence, a cancer-preventive diet is also an obesity-preventive diet. (Source, TED.com)
The main "antiangiogenetic" list of foods listed by Dr. Li are: Green tea, Resveratrol (in red grapes), Ellagic acid from (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries), Cherries, Garlic, Kale, Turmeric, Parsley, Maitake mushrooms, Artichokes, Tomatoes, Nutmeg, Turmeric (Curcuma) (Source, TED.com)
Photo credit: Flickr
Courtesy to http://www.ted.com/
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