Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph. D.
Inflammation is the normal response of the body to injury and infection and a major component of healing. The redness, warmth, swelling, and pain that characterize inflammatory reactions are all evidence that the immune, circulatory, and hormonal systems are actively working to boost the efficiency of the body's defenses and speed the repair of damaged tissue.
Inflammation creates illness when it continues beyond its normal limits or serves no purpose. It is often an unwelcome feature of autoimmunity, for example, and a major component of muscle-skeletal disease. Medical doctors treat inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs, which can injure the stomach, and with corticosteroids, which can suppress the immune system. There are multiple natural alternatives also.
Mechanism of Inflammation:
Inflammation is regulated by a group of hormones called prostaglandins. Some prostaglandins intensify the inflammatory response while others reduce it. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work on the prostaglandin system. You can also affect this system by diet, specifically by the kinds of fats you do and don't eat, since the body makes prostaglandins from fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids tend to decrease inflammation while omega-6 fats and trans-fats increase inflammation. Botanical treatments for decreasing inflammation include curcuma.
When inflammation turns into pathology? The pathologic process occurs when that defense system runs out of control- too overactive or too underactive. When an overactive immune response appears we speak about allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease or asthma. When too little immune response is the answer - we can face a cancer appearance.
Biomarkers for Inflammation: According to recent published data, people with the highest levels of C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and interleukin 6 (important biomarkers of acute and chronic systemic inflammation) are more likely to die of CVD comparatively to people without elevated biomakers. The increase in deaths is due to stroke or heart attack and other causes as well. One should know that he may feel even healthy, but if this chronic inflammation is working inside of his body, then he is in a serious trouble. While elevated CRP is not a disease- it is a symptom that signals that something is going wrong inside your body and needs your careful attention. You can reduce your CRP levels while following already well known approaches: lose weight, stop smoking, use mind relaxing techniques, exercise or walk dally and regularly.
Homocysteine is an amino acid with pro-inflammatory history. Since 1984, clinical studies started to report a link between high levels of homocysteine and severe atherosclerosis involving the main arteries in your body. The higher the homocysteine levels- the greater the risk of developing coronary artery disease. It appears that the mechanism is the following: excessive concentrations of homocysteine in blood may damage the endothelium that lines the arteries( of the heart, brain, and/ or legs), or by stimulating abnormal growth of smooth muscle cells in its middle layer, what can contribute to CAD(coronary artery disease). The same amino acid may also activate the clotting system promoting formation of clots that serve as the trigger for most heart attacks.
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine. It is secreted by T cells and the macrophages as an immune response to trauma (burns or other tissue damage) leading to inflammation. Again the real concern is not the inflammation in its acute phase (as that is a completely normal response to an injury, infection or insult), but the chronic quiet inflammation that slowly destroys your organs, and leads to degenerative disease or rapid aging.
What is causing Inflammation?
· Wrong Diet- sugar and sugary foods, refined foods, white flours, trans and saturated fats.
· Lack of exercise.
· Lack of sun during the winter especially in the Nordic geographic regions.
· Previous generative illnesses with a decline in the immune system.
· Chronic stress and disability to handle well- chronic unresolved interpersonal problem can be damaging on your health and equilibrium.
· Chronic infestations of viruses, bacteria, yeasts or parasites
· Hidden allergens from food or in the environment- lactose, gluten and others.
· Toxins such as mercury, lead, heavy metals, pesticides.
· Mold toxins and allergens
What one should do to prevent inflammation?
Starting a comprehensive approach for inflammation prevention, while balancing the immune system is one of the most important core systems of the NHWC. The main thing you should start is the anti-inflammatory diet and anti-inflammatory style of life.
How to live a Pro Anti-inflammatory lifestyle?
· Eat whole foods, high fiber, plant based diet which is inherently anti-inflammatory - what means unprocessed, unrefined, real food.
· Do not consume food full of sugar, trans-fats and low in on phytonutrients (powerful anti-inflammatory plant chemicals). Avoid animal fat, such as lard, artificial sweeteners or non-nutritive shortenings, margarine, palm oil, trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oils, soybean oil, sunflower, safflower oil.
· Eat healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, avocadoes and omega 3 fats from small fish like sardines, herring, sable, and wild salmon.
· Increase the amount of Good Fat in the form of 3 Omega Fats- from fish oil, Cod liver oil, or flax seed oil.
· Take "Longevity" Enzymes (between meals) which contain Bromelain and Papain- one of the best way of anti-inflammatory prevention.
· Exercise daily.
· Use mind/ body relaxing techniques to balance the stress in your body/ mind by doing yoga, meditation, deep breathing or even taking a hot bath.
· Eliminate all the people who make you sick with their behavior, style or way of thinking and living. They consume your energy as energetic vampires (sponges), utilizing it to recharge their proper energy levels. Surround yourself with people that influence you beneficially.
· If you have food allergies, identify them and eliminate the foods that can cause them.
· Use probiotics to improve healthy bacteria in your gut
· Use digestive enzymes to help your digestion, which reduces inflammation.
· Take a multi-vitamin and mineral that might help addressing and eliminating the nutritional deficiencies with aging.
Holistic formulas that may help reducing chronic inflammation are:
Cod liver oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil are "nature's anti- inflammatory."
Vitamin E, as mixed natural tocopherols and tocotrienols.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL
Inflammation creates illness when it continues beyond its normal limits or serves no purpose. It is often an unwelcome feature of autoimmunity, for example, and a major component of muscle-skeletal disease. Medical doctors treat inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs, which can injure the stomach, and with corticosteroids, which can suppress the immune system. There are multiple natural alternatives also.
Mechanism of Inflammation:
Inflammation is regulated by a group of hormones called prostaglandins. Some prostaglandins intensify the inflammatory response while others reduce it. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work on the prostaglandin system. You can also affect this system by diet, specifically by the kinds of fats you do and don't eat, since the body makes prostaglandins from fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids tend to decrease inflammation while omega-6 fats and trans-fats increase inflammation. Botanical treatments for decreasing inflammation include curcuma.
When inflammation turns into pathology? The pathologic process occurs when that defense system runs out of control- too overactive or too underactive. When an overactive immune response appears we speak about allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease or asthma. When too little immune response is the answer - we can face a cancer appearance.
Biomarkers for Inflammation: According to recent published data, people with the highest levels of C-reactive protein, homocysteine, and interleukin 6 (important biomarkers of acute and chronic systemic inflammation) are more likely to die of CVD comparatively to people without elevated biomakers. The increase in deaths is due to stroke or heart attack and other causes as well. One should know that he may feel even healthy, but if this chronic inflammation is working inside of his body, then he is in a serious trouble. While elevated CRP is not a disease- it is a symptom that signals that something is going wrong inside your body and needs your careful attention. You can reduce your CRP levels while following already well known approaches: lose weight, stop smoking, use mind relaxing techniques, exercise or walk dally and regularly.
Homocysteine is an amino acid with pro-inflammatory history. Since 1984, clinical studies started to report a link between high levels of homocysteine and severe atherosclerosis involving the main arteries in your body. The higher the homocysteine levels- the greater the risk of developing coronary artery disease. It appears that the mechanism is the following: excessive concentrations of homocysteine in blood may damage the endothelium that lines the arteries( of the heart, brain, and/ or legs), or by stimulating abnormal growth of smooth muscle cells in its middle layer, what can contribute to CAD(coronary artery disease). The same amino acid may also activate the clotting system promoting formation of clots that serve as the trigger for most heart attacks.
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine. It is secreted by T cells and the macrophages as an immune response to trauma (burns or other tissue damage) leading to inflammation. Again the real concern is not the inflammation in its acute phase (as that is a completely normal response to an injury, infection or insult), but the chronic quiet inflammation that slowly destroys your organs, and leads to degenerative disease or rapid aging.
What is causing Inflammation?
· Wrong Diet- sugar and sugary foods, refined foods, white flours, trans and saturated fats.
· Lack of exercise.
· Lack of sun during the winter especially in the Nordic geographic regions.
· Previous generative illnesses with a decline in the immune system.
· Chronic stress and disability to handle well- chronic unresolved interpersonal problem can be damaging on your health and equilibrium.
· Chronic infestations of viruses, bacteria, yeasts or parasites
· Hidden allergens from food or in the environment- lactose, gluten and others.
· Toxins such as mercury, lead, heavy metals, pesticides.
· Mold toxins and allergens
What one should do to prevent inflammation?
Starting a comprehensive approach for inflammation prevention, while balancing the immune system is one of the most important core systems of the NHWC. The main thing you should start is the anti-inflammatory diet and anti-inflammatory style of life.
How to live a Pro Anti-inflammatory lifestyle?
· Eat whole foods, high fiber, plant based diet which is inherently anti-inflammatory - what means unprocessed, unrefined, real food.
· Do not consume food full of sugar, trans-fats and low in on phytonutrients (powerful anti-inflammatory plant chemicals). Avoid animal fat, such as lard, artificial sweeteners or non-nutritive shortenings, margarine, palm oil, trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oils, soybean oil, sunflower, safflower oil.
· Eat healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, avocadoes and omega 3 fats from small fish like sardines, herring, sable, and wild salmon.
· Increase the amount of Good Fat in the form of 3 Omega Fats- from fish oil, Cod liver oil, or flax seed oil.
· Take "Longevity" Enzymes (between meals) which contain Bromelain and Papain- one of the best way of anti-inflammatory prevention.
· Exercise daily.
· Use mind/ body relaxing techniques to balance the stress in your body/ mind by doing yoga, meditation, deep breathing or even taking a hot bath.
· Eliminate all the people who make you sick with their behavior, style or way of thinking and living. They consume your energy as energetic vampires (sponges), utilizing it to recharge their proper energy levels. Surround yourself with people that influence you beneficially.
· If you have food allergies, identify them and eliminate the foods that can cause them.
· Use probiotics to improve healthy bacteria in your gut
· Use digestive enzymes to help your digestion, which reduces inflammation.
· Take a multi-vitamin and mineral that might help addressing and eliminating the nutritional deficiencies with aging.
Holistic formulas that may help reducing chronic inflammation are:
Cod liver oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil are "nature's anti- inflammatory."
Vitamin E, as mixed natural tocopherols and tocotrienols.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL
Zinc carnosine
Sodium ascorbate (not ascorbic acid)
Wobenzyme N
Sodium ascorbate (not ascorbic acid)
Wobenzyme N
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to sign for on line or phone consultation, or to request an article written to suit your wellness business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
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