Annie Sawyer, Ph. D.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is rare and still not easily recognized and even under-diagnosed autoimmune disease that affects predominantly more women than men. The main onset of the disease is starting in women younger than 30 years old, but it can appear at any age, even in the advanced aged groups of the population. 500,000 people in US and 3 million of people worldwide suffer of this chronic and progressively crippling and self-damaging disease. MS is an autoimmune disease that is attacking its proper central nervous system (CNS)-brain and spinal cord. The disorder most commonly attacks young individuals between the ages of 20-40 y old, but the disease can be seen in middle and even advanced aged groups.
As in the case of most of the autoimmune diseases the MS exact cause is not well known, but it is believed to result from damage to the myelin (the protective material which surrounds the nerves and the nerve cells). It is a progressive neurodegenerative pro-inflammatory disease, meaning the nerve damage gets worse over time. In my proper experience MS is combined with Candida albicans body infection and may also follow Epstein Bar infectious mononucleosis. What can be seen is that the whole body immune system is seriously compromised and body/mind/spirit equilibrium breakdown may be also verified. A frequent use of broad spectrum antibiotics could be another reason for compromised immune defense and for Candida albicans appearance.
Environmental factors are strongly implemented in the case of MS and the disease is more likely to occur in Northern latitude countries such as the Scandinavian countries, Northern Europe, America and also Australia and New Zealand. As it is in the case of many other already well known autoimmune diseases, the immune system is pathologically activated. Thus, being overpowered, the immune cells are recognizing its proper structures as unfriendly ones, trying to attack its proper nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) which are covered with myelin, by the antigen/antibody reaction leading to chronic degeneration of the myelin, and the formation of sclerosis (sclerotic tissues) in multiple areas of the nervous tissue.
Symptoms always vary due to the degree, stage and the extent of the disease, as well as depending on the zone of location of these constant flair ups and downs. They are mainly vasomotor, The flair ups (attacks) are triggered by unknown factors (elevated stress, exposure to sun, hot or cold baths, etc) while remission periods could be relatively short or elongated (depending on the case). Again, the symptoms are multiple and vary with each attack while they may last days or months; then to reduce or even disappear then recur again. The reasons for the variety of changes in the symptoms are due to the simple explanation that different areas are getting attacked by the process of demyelization (myelin undressing). At the same time nerve impulses slow down until they become completely blocked, leading to the most damaging symptoms of the MS final stage. As with other autoimmune disease repeated flare ups and downs symptoms can occur along any area of the brain and the spinal cord. Its etiopathogenesis can be also explained with bacterial or viral frequent infections, genetic inheritance, "leaky gut syndrome" plus genetic predisposition or simply the combination of several of the above factors.
The Main Symptoms are multiple and they are visual, vasomotor, sensory, coordination and ballance, cognitive, etc.
Generally they are the following:
• Abnormal reflexes (including + Babinsksi)
• Allergies.
• Decreased coordination and ability to control small movements.
• Decreased memory with attention span and judgment.
• Disorientation & Dizziness.
• Ear and sinus pain.
• Sore throat.
• Weight loss.
• Fatigue & Exhaustion.
• Chronic Anxiety and Depression
• Difficulty in speaking (slurred speech) and understanding speech
• Loss of balance (Vertigo).
• Double vision (diplopia) with eye discomfort and facial pain.
• Chest constriction.
• Walking and movement problems
• Progressive muscle atrophy. Muscle spasms
• Weakness in arms and legs with numbness and abnormal sensation in any area.
• Pain in the arms or legs with or without paralysis.
• Hearing loss with or without vision loss (as usual in only one eye).
• Tingling and tremor in one or more arms or legs.
• Uncontrollable rapid eye movements with progressive vision loss ( as usual in one eye)
• Urinary frequency, hesitancy or urgency with or without incontinence (urine leakage)
• Chronic Constipation
MS Prognosis:
The MS outcome is variable and completely unpredictable. It may depend on many factors some of which are the degree and the stage as well as the form of the disease. One must recognize that although the MS disorder is chronic and incurable, life expectancy can be variable and even quite normal-10-20 years as usual. MS seem to be relatively benign in cases of younger females with longer remissions and shorter relapses. On the contrary prediction is not as benign in case of severe and frequent attacks with shorter terms of remissions and longer relapses. The last one is called a severe (fudroyant) MS form and it must be controlled with conventional medical drugs: immune modulators, muscle relaxants, monoclonal antibodies, corticosteroids, citostatics, and immunosupresors as well as anti-depressive drugs.
MS treatment
No treatment is still known to be completely successful in the case of autoimmune diseases as MS. Until a powerful user-friendly therapeutic and empathetic conventional therapy approach will be created, treating MS holistically is a great first hand approach.
• Holistic Healing:
• Correct diet and Lifestyle changes are an absolute must
• Yoga, Acupressure and Acupuncture
• Vit B2 and Vit B6 with ALA and Vit D3 as dietary supplements
• Physical therapy- well monitored exercise program with the help of supporting groups
• Speech therapy & Occupational therapy
• Anti-stress and relaxation therapy
• Anti-depressive holistic therapy
Hamler, B., & Peck, and P (2006, Aug 1) Exercises for MS: A safe and effective program to fight fatigue, builds strength, and improve balance. Publisher: Random House Inc.
Boroch, A., & Gittleman, A.L., (2007) Healing MS: Diet. Detox & Nutritional Makeover for Total Recovery. Publisher: Quintessential Healing.
Goetz, C. G. (2003). Multiple sclerosis- a textbook of clinical neurology 2nd ed. Publisher: Saunders. Philadelphia, PA
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
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