Antoaneta Sawyer, Ph. D.
Due to the strong and extremely cold winter in WI, I have been questioned almost daily by my patients to differentiate cold from flu. As a specialist in microbiology and virology I am completely sure that there are lots of people who also question themselves on what is common and what is different between Common Cold (CC) and Flu. Finally, they became inseparable like "twins". Thus we need to know their differences, in order to know how to help healing ourselves.
Common features of CC and Flu are: that they appear when the weather is cold, while CC can appear even in a mild but humid climate. Many patients even think that they have simultaneously CC and Flu, or the first let to the second or vice versa. Above all their symptoms can be quite similar and in fact the people are not completely wrong as the symptoms can also overlap. But they are still 2 completely different infestations. Their symptoms are result of the heroic attempt of the human body to eliminate the virus and to minimize the damage. Sneezing ejects the virus from the nose, the coughing from the lungs and throat, vomiting from the stomach, and diarrhea from the intestines- so all of the above symptoms are guarantee that your body is fighting well to eliminate the virus. High fever stops the virus to reproduce itself (something what is very natural for all the viruses). So, high temperature can be quite curative for your organism especially at the start of the disease.
Common Cold, or just Cold is provoked by 200 families of different viruses with multiple serotypes as Paramyxoviruses, Enteroviruses, Rhinoviruses, Para-influenza virus, Adenoviruses, Coxsakieviruses, Echoviruses, Orthomyxoviruses (including Influenza A and B viruses), Picornaviruses, Respitory syncytial virus( RSV)- the most common cause for bronchitis and pneumonia among infants and children under 1 y of age and many others. Due to the multiple rapid mutation of the above number of viruses-CC is quite frequent disease. It takes between 5-6 days to be healed by itself. In fact a body with normal immune system will mobilize all its forces and will eliminate the cause for a time of a week.
The main symptoms are localized in the nose area- nasal stiffness, frequent sneezing without reason, runny nose and eyes, painful irritated throat, decreased appetite, light headache, scratchy throat that urges you to cough, with or without postnasal drip are also possible but rare. You do not have to live in the North latitudes in order to catch CC- it can appear even in California and Florida during colder, rainy season. Due to their lower immunity children between 3-7 years old are the main patients. Adults and other elder children with cold generally have minimal or no fever. Young children, however, often run a fever at around 100-102 F. Once you have a CC, the symptoms usually begin to subsidize in 2-3 days, though it make take a week. Typically, an irritated nose or scratch throat is the first sign, followed without hours by sneezing and watery nasal discharge. Within 1-3 days, the nasal secretions become ticker that can become yellow or green. This is a normal phase of the CC and now a reason for any antibiotics.
Parents and other adults can be also infected while providing care for their children. Sneezing and coughing are the usual routs for the viral infection and its spread among people. As know well antibiotics do not work for viruses. Neither so there is any reason to use them in the above case. They will not work on our symptoms, especially in case the infection is only viral, but they might work if the infection is mixed with bacterial one. As usual viruses always go hand in hand with bacteria. You can think on your infection being mixed if the symptoms are aggravated and the bronchi and bronchioles inflammation, or in case of ear inflammation (otitis). Then you may think about eventual chemotherapeutic agents or even antibiotics. But till that moment my advice is you to follow the usual holistic treatment for Cold and Flu.
Note*: There are clinical data that psychological stress and allergic diseases affecting your nose or throat may have an impact on your chances of getting infected by cold viruses.
The 3 main symptoms of CC are: Runny nose, Nasal congestion, Frequent Sneezing
Other less frequent symptoms are: Dry Cough (at first), Sore throat, Muscle aches- lighter than in the case of Flu, Frequent Sneezing, Postnasal drip, Decreased appetite, Headache.
Possible, despite rare complications: Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Ear infection (otittis), Sinusitis, Asthma Exacerbation (worsening).
Antibiotics- are not matter of a choice. Health care provider will be needed in case of: Breathing problems, Symptoms do not improve after 7-10 days, the person is aged or with heart disease, cancer or other degenerative disease, or the symptoms seriously worsen
Flu on the contrary makes you seriously sick, dizzy, lousy and drowsy. It is a very serious airborne and contagious disease. You feel pain all over the whole body, and especially along the bones and joints.
Flu is exceptionally caused by the family of influenza virus and is pandemic or at least epidemic (easily spread). It is a very serious disease (we remember the Spanish Flu in Spain that took more than millions of lives).
Older people and those with lower immunity due to cancer and others degenerative diseases are in a serious risk for being attack by influenza virus. The most vulnerable groups are those in advanced age or with major illnesses- autoimmune disease, cancer, heart attack, diabetes etc.
The main difference is that it attacks both young and old, and we can have flu each year and on times several times per year. It starts without warning symptoms, with extremely high fever at around 106 degree F, red face, strong body aches all over the whole body, high level of tiredness, lack of energy, strong headache, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea or vomits. In general the temperature is the first symptom and lasts 2-3 days in the highest range. On times it can prolong for a week and can make us seriously afraid. The feeling of fear is accompanying the above symptoms during the first several days of flu appearance. After 3-4 days the main symptoms decline, and the pulmonary tract is starting to show problems- bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, sore throat, croup etc.
At first the cough is dry and then it converts to mucous but painful cough. We do not have runny eyes or nasal problems like in the case of common cold. The length is 7 – 10 days, but there are secondary receives (repeating symptoms) available quite frequently. The tiredness and cough can proceed longer than 3 weeks on times, especially if the virus is causing the so called interstitial bronchopneumonia. The only good thing is that we may prevent flu (with vaccination), while common cold can be prevented by natural healing formulas that can improve our immunity holistically.
The CDC( Center for Disease Control) currently recommends flu vaccine for all the people who want that vaccine regardless of the risk, with an emphasis on pregnant women, older old, cancer, heart attack, in case of bypass operation, or other serious heart operation, autoimmune disease, after heart attack, diabetes 1 or 2 etc. You should ask for a vaccine without level of mercury’s in it.
There is another vaccine also used for prevention of pneumonia, but I am not a strong advocate of the last one. I saw that the big Pharma companies still work on the attenuation of the inflectional level of the bouquet of bacteria in it (and believe me some of them are very virulent ones as: MRSA, Klebsiella, Serratia, Staph. Aureus, etc.
How you can stop Common Cold and Sore Throat from developing?
· Gargle with warm water containing baking soda or salt several times daily. Repeat as often as possible throughout the whole day. Warm salt water and baking soda can remove viruses from the tonsils and adenoids that line the back of the throat region.
· You must drink warm herbal teas- 5-7 cups daily. All teas have anti-inflammatory benefits and hydrating properties as well. Select caffeine free type of teas (especially in case of HBP). One of the best choices is organic cammmomile tea as it is incredible beneficial in case of CC or Flu.
· If appetite is not there available, give it some time, and offer as little food as the body requires. Your body needs the energy to fight off the infection and doesn’t require as much food as while healthy. You can cook a nice organic chicken soup and slowly move forward to steamed veggies or/and mash potatoes. Use lemons and citrus fruits as your snack. Eat organic plain yogurt for dinner- it is extremely beneficial for your immunity system as it contains Probiotics in their most natural form.
· Now it is the time to increase you vit C uptake. Take between 1-3g vit C and increase the dose uptake till diarrhea tolerance moment would appear. Then decrease the dose and stay on the above dose.
· If you have a starting sore throat, water a piece of a newspaper in a length-wise type of a compress (long enough to cover up around your neck). Cover up the newspaper compress with a towel and tight it slightly around your neck. Try to sleep with it the whole night. Despite being a little uncomfortable, it has an incredible effect in terms of healing an initial stage of a painful sore throat.
· In case there is a dry cough- boil a large amount of water containing 3-4 table spoons baking soda in it. Cover well your head with a towel (but be careful and preserve your face of the burning steam). Try to inhale as much as possible of the steamed baking soda water.
· Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take comfort in knowing that countless viruses are at work destroying your weakest cells. And don't forget to blow your nose as often as it runs; help your body get rid of what it wants to get rid of.
The American Academy of Family Physicians (2003) offers this list of cold symptoms, and how to differentiate them from symptoms of the flu:
· A cold is generally mild, while the flu tends to be more severe. In general, cold symptoms are milder and come on slowly, while symptoms of the flu tend to occur very suddenly.
· The cold starts with feeling extremely tired, sneezing, coughing, and having a runny nose. You may or may not have fever, of you may run a low fever.
· It's probably a cold if you have a fever no higher than 102 degrees. The flu usually causes fevers higher than 102 degrees.
· It's probably a cold if you have symptoms including a congested or runny nose, sneezing and coughing, watery eyes, and a sore throat. More than 100 different viruses can cause colds- Adenoviruses being the most frequent ones.
· As usual the flu starts suddenly and hits harder while it stays longer than cold. Symptoms of the flu often include nausea, headache, eye pains and whole body ache, sore throat, chills, sweats, vomiting, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. It generally takes longer to get over the flu than cold
Good holistic formulas:
· ProBoost and T-Cellerate – two products that stimulate the t-cells responsible for immune response
· ImmPower-AHCC – a t-cell booster that also increases natural killer cell activity, which helps eliminate tumor cells and cells infected with viruses
· ImmunoCare – an Ayurvedic herbal blend that prompts production of a specific type of infection-fighting white blood cell
· Transfer Factor – isolated sets of molecules from colostrums that protect against parasites and viral infections.
· Olive leaf tabs.
General Prevention:
· Avoid sugar and sugary goods.
· Wash well your hands.
· Isolate yourself from ill people.
· Get a good night sleep.
· Dress appropriately.
· Exercise as much as possible.
· Change the exercise techniques- aerobic with anaerobic.
· Do not let the stress overwhelm you.
· Eat well balanced and nutritious food.
· Increase your intake of omega 3 fats.
· Drink enough warm liquids- tea, soups etc.
Due to the strong and extremely cold winter in WI, I have been questioned almost daily by my patients to differentiate cold from flu. As a specialist in microbiology and virology I am completely sure that there are lots of people who also question themselves on what is common and what is different between Common Cold (CC) and Flu. Finally, they became inseparable like "twins". Thus we need to know their differences, in order to know how to help healing ourselves.
Common features of CC and Flu are: that they appear when the weather is cold, while CC can appear even in a mild but humid climate. Many patients even think that they have simultaneously CC and Flu, or the first let to the second or vice versa. Above all their symptoms can be quite similar and in fact the people are not completely wrong as the symptoms can also overlap. But they are still 2 completely different infestations. Their symptoms are result of the heroic attempt of the human body to eliminate the virus and to minimize the damage. Sneezing ejects the virus from the nose, the coughing from the lungs and throat, vomiting from the stomach, and diarrhea from the intestines- so all of the above symptoms are guarantee that your body is fighting well to eliminate the virus. High fever stops the virus to reproduce itself (something what is very natural for all the viruses). So, high temperature can be quite curative for your organism especially at the start of the disease.
Common Cold, or just Cold is provoked by 200 families of different viruses with multiple serotypes as Paramyxoviruses, Enteroviruses, Rhinoviruses, Para-influenza virus, Adenoviruses, Coxsakieviruses, Echoviruses, Orthomyxoviruses (including Influenza A and B viruses), Picornaviruses, Respitory syncytial virus( RSV)- the most common cause for bronchitis and pneumonia among infants and children under 1 y of age and many others. Due to the multiple rapid mutation of the above number of viruses-CC is quite frequent disease. It takes between 5-6 days to be healed by itself. In fact a body with normal immune system will mobilize all its forces and will eliminate the cause for a time of a week.
The main symptoms are localized in the nose area- nasal stiffness, frequent sneezing without reason, runny nose and eyes, painful irritated throat, decreased appetite, light headache, scratchy throat that urges you to cough, with or without postnasal drip are also possible but rare. You do not have to live in the North latitudes in order to catch CC- it can appear even in California and Florida during colder, rainy season. Due to their lower immunity children between 3-7 years old are the main patients. Adults and other elder children with cold generally have minimal or no fever. Young children, however, often run a fever at around 100-102 F. Once you have a CC, the symptoms usually begin to subsidize in 2-3 days, though it make take a week. Typically, an irritated nose or scratch throat is the first sign, followed without hours by sneezing and watery nasal discharge. Within 1-3 days, the nasal secretions become ticker that can become yellow or green. This is a normal phase of the CC and now a reason for any antibiotics.
Parents and other adults can be also infected while providing care for their children. Sneezing and coughing are the usual routs for the viral infection and its spread among people. As know well antibiotics do not work for viruses. Neither so there is any reason to use them in the above case. They will not work on our symptoms, especially in case the infection is only viral, but they might work if the infection is mixed with bacterial one. As usual viruses always go hand in hand with bacteria. You can think on your infection being mixed if the symptoms are aggravated and the bronchi and bronchioles inflammation, or in case of ear inflammation (otitis). Then you may think about eventual chemotherapeutic agents or even antibiotics. But till that moment my advice is you to follow the usual holistic treatment for Cold and Flu.
Note*: There are clinical data that psychological stress and allergic diseases affecting your nose or throat may have an impact on your chances of getting infected by cold viruses.
The 3 main symptoms of CC are: Runny nose, Nasal congestion, Frequent Sneezing
Other less frequent symptoms are: Dry Cough (at first), Sore throat, Muscle aches- lighter than in the case of Flu, Frequent Sneezing, Postnasal drip, Decreased appetite, Headache.
Possible, despite rare complications: Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Ear infection (otittis), Sinusitis, Asthma Exacerbation (worsening).
Antibiotics- are not matter of a choice. Health care provider will be needed in case of: Breathing problems, Symptoms do not improve after 7-10 days, the person is aged or with heart disease, cancer or other degenerative disease, or the symptoms seriously worsen
Flu on the contrary makes you seriously sick, dizzy, lousy and drowsy. It is a very serious airborne and contagious disease. You feel pain all over the whole body, and especially along the bones and joints.
Flu is exceptionally caused by the family of influenza virus and is pandemic or at least epidemic (easily spread). It is a very serious disease (we remember the Spanish Flu in Spain that took more than millions of lives).
Older people and those with lower immunity due to cancer and others degenerative diseases are in a serious risk for being attack by influenza virus. The most vulnerable groups are those in advanced age or with major illnesses- autoimmune disease, cancer, heart attack, diabetes etc.
The main difference is that it attacks both young and old, and we can have flu each year and on times several times per year. It starts without warning symptoms, with extremely high fever at around 106 degree F, red face, strong body aches all over the whole body, high level of tiredness, lack of energy, strong headache, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea or vomits. In general the temperature is the first symptom and lasts 2-3 days in the highest range. On times it can prolong for a week and can make us seriously afraid. The feeling of fear is accompanying the above symptoms during the first several days of flu appearance. After 3-4 days the main symptoms decline, and the pulmonary tract is starting to show problems- bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, sore throat, croup etc.
At first the cough is dry and then it converts to mucous but painful cough. We do not have runny eyes or nasal problems like in the case of common cold. The length is 7 – 10 days, but there are secondary receives (repeating symptoms) available quite frequently. The tiredness and cough can proceed longer than 3 weeks on times, especially if the virus is causing the so called interstitial bronchopneumonia. The only good thing is that we may prevent flu (with vaccination), while common cold can be prevented by natural healing formulas that can improve our immunity holistically.
The CDC( Center for Disease Control) currently recommends flu vaccine for all the people who want that vaccine regardless of the risk, with an emphasis on pregnant women, older old, cancer, heart attack, in case of bypass operation, or other serious heart operation, autoimmune disease, after heart attack, diabetes 1 or 2 etc. You should ask for a vaccine without level of mercury’s in it.
There is another vaccine also used for prevention of pneumonia, but I am not a strong advocate of the last one. I saw that the big Pharma companies still work on the attenuation of the inflectional level of the bouquet of bacteria in it (and believe me some of them are very virulent ones as: MRSA, Klebsiella, Serratia, Staph. Aureus, etc.
How you can stop Common Cold and Sore Throat from developing?
· Gargle with warm water containing baking soda or salt several times daily. Repeat as often as possible throughout the whole day. Warm salt water and baking soda can remove viruses from the tonsils and adenoids that line the back of the throat region.
· You must drink warm herbal teas- 5-7 cups daily. All teas have anti-inflammatory benefits and hydrating properties as well. Select caffeine free type of teas (especially in case of HBP). One of the best choices is organic cammmomile tea as it is incredible beneficial in case of CC or Flu.
· If appetite is not there available, give it some time, and offer as little food as the body requires. Your body needs the energy to fight off the infection and doesn’t require as much food as while healthy. You can cook a nice organic chicken soup and slowly move forward to steamed veggies or/and mash potatoes. Use lemons and citrus fruits as your snack. Eat organic plain yogurt for dinner- it is extremely beneficial for your immunity system as it contains Probiotics in their most natural form.
· Now it is the time to increase you vit C uptake. Take between 1-3g vit C and increase the dose uptake till diarrhea tolerance moment would appear. Then decrease the dose and stay on the above dose.
· If you have a starting sore throat, water a piece of a newspaper in a length-wise type of a compress (long enough to cover up around your neck). Cover up the newspaper compress with a towel and tight it slightly around your neck. Try to sleep with it the whole night. Despite being a little uncomfortable, it has an incredible effect in terms of healing an initial stage of a painful sore throat.
· In case there is a dry cough- boil a large amount of water containing 3-4 table spoons baking soda in it. Cover well your head with a towel (but be careful and preserve your face of the burning steam). Try to inhale as much as possible of the steamed baking soda water.
· Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take comfort in knowing that countless viruses are at work destroying your weakest cells. And don't forget to blow your nose as often as it runs; help your body get rid of what it wants to get rid of.
The American Academy of Family Physicians (2003) offers this list of cold symptoms, and how to differentiate them from symptoms of the flu:
· A cold is generally mild, while the flu tends to be more severe. In general, cold symptoms are milder and come on slowly, while symptoms of the flu tend to occur very suddenly.
· The cold starts with feeling extremely tired, sneezing, coughing, and having a runny nose. You may or may not have fever, of you may run a low fever.
· It's probably a cold if you have a fever no higher than 102 degrees. The flu usually causes fevers higher than 102 degrees.
· It's probably a cold if you have symptoms including a congested or runny nose, sneezing and coughing, watery eyes, and a sore throat. More than 100 different viruses can cause colds- Adenoviruses being the most frequent ones.
· As usual the flu starts suddenly and hits harder while it stays longer than cold. Symptoms of the flu often include nausea, headache, eye pains and whole body ache, sore throat, chills, sweats, vomiting, muscle aches, and loss of appetite. It generally takes longer to get over the flu than cold
Good holistic formulas:
· ProBoost and T-Cellerate – two products that stimulate the t-cells responsible for immune response
· ImmPower-AHCC – a t-cell booster that also increases natural killer cell activity, which helps eliminate tumor cells and cells infected with viruses
· ImmunoCare – an Ayurvedic herbal blend that prompts production of a specific type of infection-fighting white blood cell
· Transfer Factor – isolated sets of molecules from colostrums that protect against parasites and viral infections.
· Olive leaf tabs.
General Prevention:
· Avoid sugar and sugary goods.
· Wash well your hands.
· Isolate yourself from ill people.
· Get a good night sleep.
· Dress appropriately.
· Exercise as much as possible.
· Change the exercise techniques- aerobic with anaerobic.
· Do not let the stress overwhelm you.
· Eat well balanced and nutritious food.
· Increase your intake of omega 3 fats.
· Drink enough warm liquids- tea, soups etc.
If you would like to learn more on the above topic, to sign for on line or phone consultation, or to request an article written to suit your wellness business purposes, please call: (715) 392-7591; (218) 213-6167; or (218) 213-7087
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only. Thus our intentions are not to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. If you use the information in this newsletter without the approval of your health professional, the authors of this letter do not assume any responsibility. Copyright @ 2009, Natural Health-Wellness LLC. All rights reserved.
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